A Long Weekend

That tugboat is always at Fell's Point. For Christmas this past year, I bought a painting for my dad that was of that tugboat in the snow. It was pretty cool. Anyway that's a picture of fireworks on New Year's Eve. I know it's the 4th of July but I couldn't find any pictures of fireworks over the Harbor that were taken on the 4th so that will have to do. I have a 4 day weekend ahead of me. Yay! I don't know what I'm going to do but I'm sure I can find something. I'm still contemplating whether or not to go to the movies since the theater I was going to go to decided to pull the movie before today. That was upsetting but I'll watch it at some point whether it be soon in a theater or later when it comes out on DVD. No big. I'll get over it. Went to back to the eye dr yesterday and she checked to make sure the contacts fit well and my eyes were adjusting to it. My eyes are fine and the contacts fit a lot better than the last kind I had...granted that was 6 years ago and contacts have come a long way since then.
Longo comes home today so some of us are supposed to go out tomorrow. I don't think I'm going to go along. I just want to chill and not have to babysit people while they drink and make sure they don't get into any trouble. I would rather just hang out at home or even just go out to dinner or something. It would be so much more fun...well to me it would. I know when you're young you want to go out and do all that stuff. I did. But now that I'm older (well not that old) I don't want to do that stuff anymore. I'm content just sitting around playing games or talking. Lord knows I can talk. I'm a bit if a motor-mouth at times as you can see. Even when I don't really have anything to say I can find things to talk about. I'm pretty random too. I don't know why...someone will be talking about something and the next thing out of my mouth has nothing to do with the subject. That's just how my brain works.
Last night we were supposed to get more rain but this time it was supposed to be accompanied by hail. I don't think we got the hail but we did get a bit of rain. I was racing home from Amanda's so that I didn't get stuck in it. There was some pretty wicked lightning. It was pretty though. We didn't lose power which is always good. I'm not afraid of the dark but I don't like being in the house when the power goes out. Well that's not true, it depends on who I'm in the house with. If I'm alone I definitely can't be there. Sometimes it's fun though...when we were kids we always had fun when the power went out. We would tell stories and light candles and all that. It doesn't really sound fun but for us it was. If it was in the summer while we still lived in Baltimore, and it was still pretty early, everyone would come out and sit on their steps and talk with their neighbors. I miss that sense of community. We don't have that where I live. I mean I like my neighbors to the right of us (if you're facing my house). They're pretty cool people and they have a beautiful dog named Nanook; he's a husky. The people on the other side are ok when they're not screaming at their American Eskimo, Shamu, to be quiet or get back in the house. I don't know how to explain it.
Well I hope everyone has a safe and Happy 4th of July weekend. I can't wait for the fireworks. That's the best part!