Newest Addiction
I love trivia...I just think it's fun. Anyway my new addiction at the moment is on yahoo. It's called Yahoo! Answers. What you do is you log in and answer questions. The other people on there ask them and you answer them to the best of your ability. Sometimes there is no right or wrong answer; some are opinion questions and some are plain stupid. It's a lot of fun though. You get points for every answer you make and you get points if your answer is chosen as best answer. I dont know what happens once you reach the top level but it sure is fun. I'm still on level 2...I'm limited to 40 questions a day. I have almost 800 points so hopefully I'll be up to level three by tomorrow. There are some really good questions on there. There were a few today talking about Bush and all that. Of course I had to put my two cents in. I couldn't help it. I couldn't believe how many people out there were defending Bush and saying that since we found a WMD, that it was all worth it. I don't think so. We already knew he had chemical and biological weapons....when I think of WMD's I think of nukes. What bothers me even more is that we have them too. What if lets just say for fun, Mexico decided they wanted to invade us because we had WMD's. Would that be allowed? Something tells me we wouldn't like that at all. I don't know...its bothersome to me. Sometimes I feel like I'm losing faith in people. For people to see justificiation in this war is scary. Anyway some of the questions on there are legitimate like who sang what song and what's best for a sunburn. It's a lot of fun. Check it passes the time. I have a lot of time here at work so it's nice to have something fun to do.
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