Monday, June 05, 2006


Ok...this weekend wasn't that eventful but a good thing happened. Frankie called and said that he's coming home in September instead of going to Australia on leave. It was weird because Grover emailed me, I haven't talked to him in forever, and asked how Frankie was doing and if I'd heard from him. I let him know that I had talked to him a while ago and that he calls about once a month to let me know he's alive. I was in the process of telling Maggie that he emailed me when Frankie called. It was so good to hear from him. I'd been a little worried since I heard something about troops being moved from Kuwait into Iraq but I wasn't sure if that was him or not. It wasn't. He's been in Iraq almost the whole time he's been there. He said it's pretty and sandy..typical desert conditions. Anyway it was good to know he's ok. It's just weird how that happens. You're talking about someone or something and then it happens.

I went to the book store and yes I found myself in the self help section to see if they had anymore Chicken Soup books. They didn't. Bummer. I got "The Scarlet Letter" and "Dreams from My Father" by Barack Obama. I got "The Scarlet Letter" because it's one of my favorite books and I didn't have it. I think I'm going to go back later on today to see what else they have. Maggie was with me and she was arguing with Longo and Jason on the phone so I just wanted to get out of there. I'll be able to have a better look since I'll be there alone.

I found a tick on my head. Not that anyone wanted to know that but I've never had one before and I flipped out. I was at the Sprint store right before we went to the movies yeah I was no good after that. I went and saw "The DaVinci Code". I have to say I was disappointed. I didn't like Tom Hanks in the role at all. I thought in the beginning it was working but it didn't get any better for me from there. Maggie fell asleep during it...she hasn't read the book yet though. I mean it wasn't the worst movie I'd ever seen but I definitely thought it would have been better. Oh least I got around to seeing it. Yesterday I had to go to lunch with my mom and stepdad. We were meeting my stepdad's sister, brother in law, and their daughter, Melanie. She just got her masters. They aren't my favorite people in the world for many reasons so I think that was by far my best good deed for the year. It was painful but I got through it ;) After I left there I went over Amanda's to drop off some boxes. I thought she needed them to pack stuff away in but she just wanted it for the burn barrel. Bill, Claude's cousin, was over and he wrecked on the motorcycle. He banged his leg up pretty bad. Claude had a cap to a pick up that he was going to sell but Bill put his leg through it when he wrecked. It was kinda funny but not at the same time because he could have really hurt himself.

That brings me to today. Nothing new at the moment. More of the usual. You ever go back and listen to some songs and remember why you like them so much? I do. I think that's what I'm going to write about at some point this week. Rediscovering songs.


Blogger Lance said...

I thought The Da Vinci Code was about what I expected it to be.

Once you know all the surprises from the novel; it'd be impossible to make the movie as exciting without adding new twists.

As soon as Ron Howard did that, everyone woulda said, "it was nothing like the novel!" lol so it's kinda a no-win situation in that regard.

I liked it, though.

The Scarlett Letter is a great read, too. That books seems to have more nuances of meaning as time goes on. So many new things, problems, prejudices and more come to light to compare or liken to the characters and situations and symbols of that story.

It's a great novel. One of my favorites, too.

8 )

8:22 PM  

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