Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Instead of actually watching the President speak last night, I opted to read about it this morning. For once he seems to have a pretty good idea of what to do to secure the borders. However I don't think that using the National Guard is a good idea. They are overextended enough...I just think it would be wise to use some other form of security. I don't know what that could or would be but something other than the National Guard. It is so hard for me to say that I like anything he said but I did like that he plans to offer citizenship to illegals that have been here 5 years or longer. Those who choose to stay would have to pay a fine, back taxes, and learn English. I think thats a step in the right direction. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the Temporary Worker Program either. It doesn't seem fair. Yes it gives immigrants the option to work legally but it feels like we're using them to me. Not that they weren't being used and exploited before this was put into place; they were, probably more than most people think. Most immigrants whether they're legal or not are here to work. They want to make a good living and live the American dream. That's why most of us are here...our ancestors wanted something better for themselves and future generations. If they didn't America wouldn't be what it is: a nation built on immigration. I don't think putting troops along the border is really going to solve anything. Thousands of people each year try to cross; some make it and some don't. Those who don't are sent back or they die enroute. The border with Mexico isn't the only way immigrants come in either. They fly in with temporary visas or forged documents and they disappear into the American landscape. So something has to be done about that to and I didn't hear anything about it at all. I know the vast majority comes from the U.S.-Mexican border but there should be tougher screening processes and all that. I've never travelled out of the country so I don't know how hard it is to get around outside of my little bubble. All I know is that I need a passport to get where I want to go and I have to pass through customs. Other than that I'm ignorant to what it's like to travel from one country to another. Do other countries militarize their borders? (I know Bush said it's not militarizing our border but to me it is. National Guard is military in my eyes I could be wrong though)

There is also the budget issue. The War in Iraq and the "War on Terror" is costing us billions. Where are we going to get the money to pay for this new border patrol? Yeah I think it's important to protect ourselves but we are already going to be paying for the wars for years to come. I don't see how the effort is going to be funded. That wasn't addressed at all.

Maybe I'm just looking for faults in his plans. I don't know...it's hard to trust a President that's let us down in the past. I guess it's just a waiting game to see what happens.


Blogger Lance said...

Unless I miss my guess this whole immigration issue is just a smoke screen by the current administration.

I don't think they have one, single intention of actually doing anything about the problem at all - at least nothing of value or anything helpful.

From what I've read, a lot of the guys they're helping with huge tax breaks to go re-build New Orleans (which by the way is going to look far less like the old New Orleans and a lot more like Las Vegas by the Gulf) are putting the tax cut dollars in their pockets and using illegal immigrants to do the grunt work for next-to-nothing wages.

I don't think they'd undercut their buddies by cutting off their source of cheap labor.

We'll see, but I'll amazed if anything of actual value actually gets done by this administration in the next two years.

6:14 PM  
Blogger Kyleen said...

Yeah you make a good point. I would hope that something would go right with all the bad that's been happening. It would be a shame for them to rebuild New Orleans and make it look like Vegas. While I've never been to New Orleans I always thought there was a little bit of the Old World there. It was a little laid back and fun. I always wanted to go there and now I don't know if I ever will considering.

Those tax cuts are helping no one but Bushies in my opinion. Americans are stretched to the limit as far as money goes and if we keep going in that direction, we're gonna have another crash here soon. That wouldn't be good at all. I don't know how much more we can take as far as that goes. It's bad enough with the war and umpteen million other things going on.

4:48 AM  

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