Brokeback Mountain

I've been off of work for a week so I've been watching movies. I finally finished "King Kong" which was a great movie. I'm going to buy it so that I can watch it whenever I want to. It was just really good....I wouldn't expect anything less from Peter Jackson. I also watched "Brokeback Mountain". I went into watching this movie with mixed feeling. First of all it keeps being referred to as the gay cowboy movie so I was a little put off by that. Another issue for me was that I wasn't sure if I could ever look at Jake Gyllenhaal or Heath Ledger the same considering the subject matter. I was wrong. This movie was fantastic. Everything about it was stunning...especially the scenery. It was just great. I cried through out the entire thing (yeah I know I'm a baby) The struggles the characters face are struggles I think all people face no matter who they are.Forget the fact that it's about gay's so much more. Everyone in the movie was fantastic. It definitely deserved the praise and attention it's gotten. My favorite character was Jake Gyllenhaal's character Jack Twist. There was just something about him that I liked. He seemed more vulnerable to me than the others. You could feel his his eyes were watching you. I don't know how to describe it. It's such an odd thing to have happen during a movie. There are a lot of unspoken feeling going on. Just the way some of the characters look at each other says a thousand word.sHeath Ledger did a great job as well. It was like he was meant to play Ennis Del Mar. But Jake Gyllenhaal made the movie for me. He did such a good job....You would really have to see it to understand it. Like everyone has been saying, there is quite a bit of sexuality in the movie but it's tasteful...not overdone at all. I can't say enough good things about it. I've watched it twice and I think I might just have to watch it again. Every aspect of the film is so well done. I just had to write about it. I hope some people that might be a little put off by the subject matter bite the bullet and watch it anyway. It's a fabulous film. The more I think about it the the more I want to watch it again. I'll end up buying this movie as well. It was just great. I can't say enough good things about it. I can't really tell you anymore than what I have becasue it's something you just sort of have to see. Just watch's so worth it.
Yeah I think everyone has a different opinion about it. I really liked it while a friend of mine thought it was too tough to watch. I guess it all depends on the person :)
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