Anniversary of Iraq War
I feel like I'm beating a dead horse but it can't be helped. I know people are tired of hearing about it....I know I am but today marks the 3rd anniversary of the United States led invasion of Iraq, spawning the Iraq War. This is very's been almost 3 years since Bush declared "mission accomplished". Ummm...if the mission was accomplished, would we still be there? I don't think so. Now it seems as though Iraq is heading toward civil war. Who didn't see that coming? When you invade a country and totally turn in upside down, yeah people are going to have a hard time adjusting especially if they don't want to adjust in the first place. More and more people are now realizing that this war was a bad idea...democrats who voted for it are now changing their minds and so are a few republicans. If only they would have listened to the people that were against it in the first place. I wish we could go back and change what's happened since then but obviously thats not an option. Soldiers continue to die whether it be from roadside bombs, suicide bombers, or accidents...they are still dying for what? The freedom of a people? I don't think these people are anymore free than they were 3 years ago. Yeah Sadaam isn't there but what else has changed? As far as I know nothing much. If anything there is more violence there now than before. It's a scary thought that things could get worse...who knows where this is leading to but something should be done about it.
There have been protests all weekend and today as well. The news is saying that there aren't as many protesters out there as there were in the past but the thing is that there are some out there. If I could be out there right now with them I would be but unfortunately my job doesn't allow me time off for attending protests. I went to one right before the invasion back in January of 2003 and it was definitely an eye opening experience. I think its probably one of the most important things I've ever done and witnessed. I can only hope that I have another opportunity to do it again. I'm sure considering where this war is heading I think I will. It's a sad thing that soldiers are dying for no reason but what is even more sad is that there are infinitely more dead Iraqi civilians. I think the estimate that Bush said was 30,000! Thats just not right. We supposedly went over there to help these people but instead we're either killing them or watching them get killed. It makes me sick to my stomach to know that all this is going on. I don't care what anyone says and I've said it before but this is definitely turning out to be another Vietnam whether the American people and the rest of the world want to admit it or not. We're seeing much of the same things we saw back then. And like Vietnam, more and more soldiers are stepping up and saying "Hey this is wrong. We shouldn't be there". We don't have as many casualites now as we did back then but how we fight has changed alot in the 30+ years since Vietnam. It's disgusting to know that all this could have been prevented but nothing was done. Yeah I know all about the faulty information that we received but thats still no excuse. We shouldn't have been so hasty in wanting to invade another country. We should have asked more questions and demanded answers. Something more should have been done to prevent this and so far people aren't making enough noise to tell the powers that be that we aren't happy.
Opinion polls won't make then change their mind. People have to get out there and show them that we need to be out of Iraq. People need to call their Congressmen and Senators...write if you have to. You might get 10 replies back that just tell you why they voted for it and why we should still be there but if you're persistant, something might might not too but at least you did your part. Thats what it's about. Making yourself known and telling them what you think and feel about the situation. Politicians are a dirty bunch...nothing is going to change that but make them work for you. After all thats what they're there for. They aren't there just for decoration. They make decisions that affect you everyday. Make them earn their money.
There have been protests all weekend and today as well. The news is saying that there aren't as many protesters out there as there were in the past but the thing is that there are some out there. If I could be out there right now with them I would be but unfortunately my job doesn't allow me time off for attending protests. I went to one right before the invasion back in January of 2003 and it was definitely an eye opening experience. I think its probably one of the most important things I've ever done and witnessed. I can only hope that I have another opportunity to do it again. I'm sure considering where this war is heading I think I will. It's a sad thing that soldiers are dying for no reason but what is even more sad is that there are infinitely more dead Iraqi civilians. I think the estimate that Bush said was 30,000! Thats just not right. We supposedly went over there to help these people but instead we're either killing them or watching them get killed. It makes me sick to my stomach to know that all this is going on. I don't care what anyone says and I've said it before but this is definitely turning out to be another Vietnam whether the American people and the rest of the world want to admit it or not. We're seeing much of the same things we saw back then. And like Vietnam, more and more soldiers are stepping up and saying "Hey this is wrong. We shouldn't be there". We don't have as many casualites now as we did back then but how we fight has changed alot in the 30+ years since Vietnam. It's disgusting to know that all this could have been prevented but nothing was done. Yeah I know all about the faulty information that we received but thats still no excuse. We shouldn't have been so hasty in wanting to invade another country. We should have asked more questions and demanded answers. Something more should have been done to prevent this and so far people aren't making enough noise to tell the powers that be that we aren't happy.
Opinion polls won't make then change their mind. People have to get out there and show them that we need to be out of Iraq. People need to call their Congressmen and Senators...write if you have to. You might get 10 replies back that just tell you why they voted for it and why we should still be there but if you're persistant, something might might not too but at least you did your part. Thats what it's about. Making yourself known and telling them what you think and feel about the situation. Politicians are a dirty bunch...nothing is going to change that but make them work for you. After all thats what they're there for. They aren't there just for decoration. They make decisions that affect you everyday. Make them earn their money.
Well put, Kyleen.
Personally I think the reason there aren't as many protestors out is because people are losing faith, losing heart, that anything will change between now and 2008 when the current administration finally hits the exits.
I'll have to admit that I agree. It's probably not going to.
We should still protest, I know. We should still stand up for what's right and speak out for peace.
But, I can certainly see the point of those who just feel it won't do any good.
Nothing we say or do is probably going to make it any better and the situation - depending on what happens with Iran and other Middle Eastern nations - could get worse.
We're entering a time of year - the Spring - where a lot of religions are going to be celebrating different observations and it's a time when, in the Middle East, you could see a lot more turmoil.
Things could get a lot worse for a lot longer before they even remotely begin to get better.
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