Chuck Norris
I don't know what the obsession with Chuck Norris is or why it began but it's pretty darn funny if you ask me. A while back, Lance posted a skit on SNL that had to do with Chuck Norris....that was hilarious. Another place the Chuck Norris has popped up is on the Ultimate Showdown. Not only is Chuck in there but a slew of others. It's really funny. I've watched it a couple times and it gets funnier every time I watch it. You always find someone new in it that you didn't notice before. There is also a website devoted to bringing you Random Chuck Norris Facts. Also on the site are two other "fact" pages; one for Vin Diesel and one for Mr. T. My personal favorite is "If Chuck Norris did a roundhouse kick and Mr. T pitied the fool at the same time, the world would implode". I LOVE that! Some of the "facts" aren't that funny but if you register, you can rate them. I want to submit one but I have to wait til I'm activated. Anyway if you need a good laugh I think that would be the place to go. That or the Ultimate Showdown.
Those are both great.
Personally, I this the sudden rise in popularity of this phenomenon can all be attributed to Chuck's appearance in the now classic Frat Pack vehicle, Dodgeball.
8 )
BTW, if you replace the first "this" in the statement above with the word "think" it'll make perfect sense.
I promise.
Ah I see...maybe if I watched that movie I might have known that. I haven't gotten around to watching it. I'll have to do that sometime soon. It's all good, Lance, I knew what you meant....took me a minute but I got it :)
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