Happy Valentine's Day
Today is Valentine's Day. This day also has a pretty violent history starting with of course St. Valentine. He was beaten and then beheaded; he was martyred. Then there is the St. Valentine's day massacre where 7 people were shot in Chicago; gang related (Al Capone). I also read (this has nothing to do with violence though...well maybe depending on the person) that single people call today Singles Awareness Day.I thought that was pretty funny. I know of a couple people who think of it like that. Of course its just another day for me. I was never really into the whole Valentine thing. I used to like giving them out when I was in elementary school but other than that I just wasn't interested in participating. When we were kids, my mom used to get us each a card and some chocolate. Not too much though because what parent really wants to hop their kids up on sugar? None that I know of. That is my job....I'm supposed to give them as much sugar as possible and then send them on home :) So I just wanted to say to everyone Happy Valentine's Day.
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