Monday, February 06, 2006

Friend Stuff

So on Friday I wound up just staying in. Jenn cancelled on me because she was having issues with Mike. I feel really bad for the both of them. Jenn works 14+ hour days and Mike is suffering with fibromyalgia. Last week he had a couple really bad days. When its acting up, he sometimes loses feeling in his left side and he just falls. Well he was getting out of the car in front of his house when this happened and he wound up busting his head open. He said he was fine and his dad and Jenn picked him up and took him in the house. They left him for a second and when they came back he was on the floor unconscious. He had a concussion from smacking his head on the sidewalk. So they had to call an ambulance to get him to the emergency room. After being there nearly all night, they finally let him go home.

On Thursday, he was self-medicating meaning that he was drinking himself into oblivion because he was depressed. Then he started with threatening suicide. This scared the pants off Jenn and his dad so they called the police because he was serious. (I know he was drunk but I can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing) The police came and he voluntarily went in for a psych evaluation. They kept him for a little while and then released him saying that he was ok. So she decided to stay home Friday evening with him so that he wouldn't feel so bad. I fell horrible for them both. Mike is not my favorite person in the world but he doesn't deserve what he's going through. It's a terrible illness and there isn't anything anyone can do to help him. He was supposed to start working last week but now he's going to have to file for disability because no job is going to hire someone with his medical history. I know thats wrong but thats how the world works. It's not fair.

Since we didn't get to hang out and stuff on Friday, we went to lunch on Saturday and talked and caught up. Maggie spent the night Saturday night because her and Longo aren't getting along at all and then I watched the Superbowl at Maggie's dads yesterday. I wound up going with the Seahawks in the end because no one was pulling for them and I felt bad. It was a fun evening though. All in all it was a pretty nice weekend even though it rained most of the day on Saturday and was pretty chilly yesterday.

Frankie is leaving today for Iraq. He should be in Maine soon and then he's heading over. He really doesn't want to go. I don't blame him. I wouldn't want to go either. He will be there til March of next year. He'll have 2 weeks of leave but he's thinking about going to Australia instead of coming home. I just hope he stays safe and doesn't get hurt or hurt anyone else. I don't know what he's going to be doing. He can't really say because they are afraid that too much is going to be made known to people and that information could get in the wrong hands. I won't hear from him for at least a month. He asked me to call some people and let them know. His mom I think is really working herself up...she has heart problems and when he called her yesterday she wound up taking some nitroglycerin for her chest pains. I hope she's ok and that she went to the dr like she was supposed to do. She's stubborn. I have to call to get his address so he can write and all that. I don't see him writing too often. He did a long time ago before he had a cell phone but now that he's over there, he won't be able to use a cell phone for obvious reasons.


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