Thursday, February 02, 2006

Musical Nostalgia

My best friend just bought an iPod and was curious as to what I had on my mind because she didn't know where to begin with hers. So I sent her what I had on mine and she sent me what she had put on hers. She put "Got You where I want you" by the Flys and it sort of awakened this kind of musical nostalgia. I was thinking back to when I first heard that song. It was a good 7 years ago or so. I was really getting into music for the first time back then. (I was a bit of a late bloomer) Most kids my age at that time were really into music especially rock but not me. I listened to old 80's music and good old classic rock along with old school rap and hip/hop. I didn't get into rock much further than Alice in Chains. So I started downloading all the songs that I could remember that I loved like the Cranberries, 311, Collective Soul, the Foo Fighters, the Gin Blossoms, etc. I forgot how much I liked this music...there was a lot of Weezer going on in there too especially Undone. I love that mom can't stand it...she thought it was a really stupid song. I like it though. I guess its the generation gap..who know.

Anyway I was just listening to the Cranberries and I realized how truly unique Dolores O'Riordan's voice is. There isn't another voice like that out there. Some people find it annoying but I find it soothing and it gives extra emotion to the song she's you can feel what she's singing about.

The Foo Fighters are also another great one. Has anyone noticed that people know him more for being a member of the Foo Fighters than Nirvana. That has to be a good thing. He's a great drummer though...gotta give him that.

All around good music though. It was sort of like a rediscovery of sorts this week for me in music.


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