Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Some People are Just Plain Crazy

Ok, I am all for freedom of speech I really am but sometimes I feel that there is a line that is crossed and something needs to be done about it. When freedom of speech becomes so hurtful and full of hate, people need to respond. Yesterday on the way home from work I was listening to 98 Rock, the local rock station. In the afternoon, Mickey and Amelia are on from 3 to 7 and they're pretty funny. Mickey is a local comedian, a staunch republican and suffers from diarrhea of the mouth. Amelia is the exact opposite; she is more moderate but funny nonetheless. Anyway they're pretty funny although Mickey gets on my nerves and I don't find him all that funny. Anyway Mickey came across this website and hit the roof. This website is for a baptist church in Kansas. A church! These people are worst kind of people. They are akin to the Islamic fundamentalists except they are "Christians".

If you would read what some of these people have up on the site, you would be appalled. I would even go as far as to say that they are harming the public by what they're saying. They say that God killed the 12 miners in West Virginia because of books and movies that are made. I mean come on! That is totally irrational. They planned on picketting the memorial service being held for the miners saying that they deserved it and blah blah blah. When people in West Virginia caught wind of this, they fought back. They wrote letters stating their opinions and some of them threatened bodily harm. I'm a pacifist but I can't say that I don't blame them for feeling that way. If someone picketted a memorial service for a friend or loved one because they believed God killed them to teach people a lesson, I might be tempted to beat the crap out of them myself. If they truly followed Jesus, they would know that he preached love and understanding not hate. They also "praise" God on their sight for the development of IED's or improvised explosive devices. These IED's are the number one killer of people and soldiers in Iraq. Tell me now these people aren't truly crazy. They say that God is now punishing us because of gay people. I know these people are just doing this to get a rise out of people and yeah it's working but something needs to be done about this. I don't understand what could have happened in the lives of these people that made them think this way. It's not ok and no matter what people do, they're not going to change. But there is always a hope that maybe one person who is being misguided by this group will see that all they are doing is feeding a problem.

Something Mickey said really struck a chord with me...he said this is exactly how David Koresh started out....and you know I think he's right. Are we headed for another Waco? That is a scary thought but I think he might be on to something there. You would think that people would know better and learn from history but they don't. There will always be a group of nuts that think they are doing the Lord's work but aren't. You can't tell me that God is ordering people to murder people? That would mean breaking one of the 10 commandments which most people know is a no-no. Why is it that people hear what they want to hear when it comes to the teaching of God and Jesus? Why do they mold it to what they feel is right. This is why I have a bit of an issue with organized religon. I consider myself a Christian....I believe that Jesus was/is the son of God....but I also think that if Jesus were here in this time teaching, he wouldn't be condoning these hateful actions in his name. It doesn't make sense. It reminds me of a quote from "Dogma" when Rufus says what really ticks Jesus off is the stuff that is carried out in his name like holy wars and killings. Yeah I know its just a movie and was purely for entertainment purposes but I think that is a truthful statement. Don't you think that Jesus would be a little angry at the fact that people are killing others in his name? I think he would be. That just my opinion though. This is the man who turned the other cheek, right?

Anyway on the radio program, they finally got the lady that put this website up on the phone. Unfortunately I didn't get to hear the rest of it but my mom did. She said all she did was quote the Bible and Amelia got so angry with her that she had to leave the room. Mickey, who is a Catholic and knows a good bit of the Bible, was questioning her and all she did was keep quoting the Bible. This lady truly believed that what she was doing wasn't wrong. I don't know about people sometimes. I think they need to be evaluated and maybe someone could figure out what the deal is. The same thing for any religious zealot no matter what faith or creed. It's something I think needs to be looked into. I wish I would have found this a couple months ago when I was writing my paper for a faulty website. I think I could have gotten a couple pages out of it. It's something I've never understood and I don't think I ever will.


Blogger Lance said...

Most of these folks take care of themselves in the long run.

Don't let it upset you.

Peaceful ways lead to peaceful ends and the way of hate only leads to sorrow.

I feel sorry for people who are filled with such hate.

3:29 PM  

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