Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Freedom of Speech

Several states are considering legislation concerning where and when people can protest; this is in response to a particular group of people from Kansas. A while back I wrote about them and how they protest the funerals of fallen soldiers and their disrespectful conduct toward the West Virginia miners. That entry can be found here . Like I said before, these people give Christians a bad name. But I'm not going to rehash my arguement at this time...there isn't any point. Most people know where I stand on that issue as it is. Back to the point; several state are considering restricting where and when protests can be held because of the public outrage at this particular group of people. Now I do NOT condone their actions what so ever. They are probably the most closeminded people in the world. They're insensitive and aren't Christians in my opinion. These people make me sick. But does the government have a right to say where and when people can protest? Doesn't that violate free speech? Doesn't that also violate a right to peaceful assembly? Yes it does.

Unfortunately, free speech means you have to tolerate speech you don't like or don't agree with. But there are limitations as well. People can say and print whatever they want but they can also face libel and slander charges or worse. Just look at the current situation in the Middle East in reference to those cartoons that were published in a Danish newspaper. I thought that the cartoons were extremely insensitive. But once again it falls under free speech which is something I think most countries in the Middle East aren't used to. Muslims are outraged about the cartoons. Should they be? Yes I think so. Does it give them a right to riot? No. Does it give them the right to attack innocent people and in some cases kill them? No.

On the radio news this morning the newscaster was saying that most of the people there don't understand free speech. They've never had that right so they don't know what to think of it. That many of those people don't realize that newspapers and other publications aren't published by the government. I think that is a valid point. Most news sources in the Middle East with the exception of a few countries are run by their respective governments. He also said something else that rang true to me: you can't have a democracy where the concept of democracy isn't known. You can't have democracy where it's not wanted either. I think democracy is a great thing and that it is probably one of the better forms of government. Thats not to say that it doesn't have its flaws because contrary to popular belief, it does.

Is free speech worth it? For me it is even when people like that church in Kansas ruin it for people by being completely insensitive.


Blogger Lance said...

You certainly touched on a huge subject here.

We have a great deal amount of freedom in America, but I know most understand we don't totally have freedom of speech.

It's another one of those things that the government likes for you to believe.

Just get on radio or TV and say a few certain things and you'll find that out rather quickly.

Plus, there's no way to control the backlash from the public once someone says something. Sure, they may not be jailed for it, but they sure end up having to "pay for it" in the long run.

Ask the Dixie Chicks or Kanye West about that one.

Personally, I think the whole "freedom of speech" thing in America is a joke. It only works for people who are saying what the majority and those in charge want to hear. Or, if you protest, you can protest within their little set rules and guidelines and thats it.

They make it out so you realize the government is GIVING you the right to protest. You don't HAVE the right.

I think it's a joke.

Consequently, someone can come along here and read this and be offended by it, report it to Blogger and they could delete it without mine or your permissions.

Just another example of how we're given the impression of freedom of speech when we don't really have it totally.

11:57 AM  
Blogger Kyleen said...

I think you just wrote a blog entry in the comments section :) Just kidding.

I totally agree with what you're saying though. It just doesn't seem right that we espouse freedom of speech then we turn around and fine people for what they say. It's crazy how that works. I wanted to say so much more on the subject but I thought it would have been too longwinded so I figured I would pick it up another day. I'm sure something else will trigger this discussion.

12:30 PM  
Blogger Lance said...

lol I can be loquacious, on occasion.

But yea people in America will say, "we have freedom of speech," knowing good and well you can't run into a theatre and shout, "FIRE!" without punishment.

We don't have total freedom of speech in this country - haven't and never have.

We have more than other countries, sure. But at the rate the current administration keeps witch-hunting the people who stand up against them we're getting less and less all the time.

12:23 PM  

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