"Roses are Red, Chocolates are Brown....
Dick Cheney's out hunting, so you better get down." I heard that this morning on the way in. I thought it was pretty funny. The guy that called in made it up. They were talking of course about the hunting mishap that happened over the weekend involving Dick Cheney. Here is what a lot of people, myself included, have an issue with: He hasn't said a word to the public about the accident. I don't care that he was hunting...a lot of people like to hunt, I'm not one of them, but it's something people in this country are permitted to do if they have a license and part of that right is to take responsibility if anything bad happens like what happened over the weekend. This man, who is a 78 year old attorney, was hit in the face, neck and chest with birdshot. After he was shot he suffered a heart attack. This man had a rough weekend. I know that accidents happen especially when it comes to hunting and guns but you have to wonder about Cheney's hunting skills. He was aiming at a quail but didn't see his friend, who is a lot bigger than a quail, and fired hitting the man. That happened at about 5 p.m. and no one was notified til about 8p.m. That sounds a little suspicious to me but then again I'm always suspicious of Cheney. He kinda freaks me out. I get the impression that he is a very cold person, but thats not the point. The point is that he shot someone and could possibly face some criminal charges. I don't think that's going to happen because well, I just don't think it will.
There are some that think this shouldn't be an issue; it shouldn't be on the news. To them I say this "The VICE PRESIDENT SHOT someone!" This IS an issue. This is news. If it was anyone else in the government it would be an issue...why is he any different than anyone else? He's not although I'm sure he likes to think so. Other politicians are subject to media attention when they do something wrong (Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Tom Delay, etc) I'm not trying to be partisan. I don't think that has anything to do with it. The fact is that he shot someone and that person as a result was seriously injured because some of the birdshot caused him to have a heart attack. Is Cheney responsible for the man's current condition? Absolutely. Should something be done about it? Absolutely. What should be done about it? I don't know. I do think its worth investigating though.
There are some that think this shouldn't be an issue; it shouldn't be on the news. To them I say this "The VICE PRESIDENT SHOT someone!" This IS an issue. This is news. If it was anyone else in the government it would be an issue...why is he any different than anyone else? He's not although I'm sure he likes to think so. Other politicians are subject to media attention when they do something wrong (Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Tom Delay, etc) I'm not trying to be partisan. I don't think that has anything to do with it. The fact is that he shot someone and that person as a result was seriously injured because some of the birdshot caused him to have a heart attack. Is Cheney responsible for the man's current condition? Absolutely. Should something be done about it? Absolutely. What should be done about it? I don't know. I do think its worth investigating though.
lol that's pretty funny.
Ya know, I think most people rightly realize the greater problem with this issue, and that is how secretive this administration is.
It's a simple hunting accident and they can't just say, "hey Cheney accidentally shot someone," instead they do this whole, "let's keep 'em in the dark" thing with it?
It just illustrates further how shady, secretive and manipulative the current adminstration is.
Yeah they are way too secretive. You know I can bet that once this administration is out, we'll be finding they did a lot more than we could ever imagine. It's just crazy some of the stuff they're allowed to get away with.
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