Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Strictly My Opinion

I'm going to weigh in on the immigration issue. I understand that we can't just let people over here whenever they want to come in. We do have to protect ourselves but consider this: This country was founded by immigrants. Many of our ancestors didn't apply for green cards or anything like that. I know times were different back then and the world didn't have to face some of the issues it's facing today but I'm just saying. I can't stand when people want to send people back to their own country. It sickens me to hear that. I saw a great cartoon a couple years ago and it was a white guy in a business suit talking to an Indian Chief about immigration. The white guy was saying that he wanted to send all the immigrants back to where they came from and the Indian Cheif was like yeah I wish you would all go back where you came from. Now that's not exact, it's been a couple years so it might not be as funny to anyone as it is to me because I can still see the cartoon in my head. I wish I could find it. Another thing I keep hearing people complain about is that there aren't enough jobs out there. They're right but it's not the immigrants fault. Look, many companies hire illegal immigrants because they want to save a buck. They're willing to work twice as hard for a fraction of the pay it would cost to hire and American. Is it the immigrants fault? No...try blaming the company for it. They're the ones doing the hiring. The immigrants most of the time are trying to make money to send back home so that their families can eat and have the bare necessities. I wish people would for once put themselves in the shoes of some of these illegals. Then maybe they would understand why they're here. Like I said I understand that something needs to be done about it. I think that maybe there should be some sort of program in place that would keep them here but legally. If you threaten them with going back home, no one is going to come forward and try to become a legal citizen. If you immigrated here 15 years ago and you had a job, a family, and paid your taxes and all that stuff, then the government comes knocking on your door and say you have to go back to wherever...is that fair? I don't think so. Anyway I think we should seriously think about other alternatives rather than sending these people away with nothing. I know it's security issue...we don't want to let terrorists in and all that but most of the illegals aren't terrorists...they just want a job and a chance.


Blogger Lance said...

I think the issue is more about channeling these people through the proper sources in order to allow them into the country. It's not so much about keeping them out as it is about knowing who they are and where they are as they immigrate in. For security reasons, sure, but also to protect and help them. We've got people immigrating hundreds of "unknowns" into this country and then exploiting them in jobs, work, prostitution, etc. etc. If we don't know they're here, we can't help them and protect them and take care of them.

As you said, this country has always had it's arms open to immigrates. I don't think we'll ever close ourselves off, either. But this constant flow of people over our borders has to stop. For our sakes and theirs.

6:42 AM  
Blogger Kyleen said...

You have a lot of good points. I just wish there was a way to do it without causing more problems. I just read about the a bill the Senate is trying to pass that would creat a guest worker program. I think thats a good idea.

12:04 PM  
Blogger athen said...

I'm totally with you on this, Kyleen! Everything that you said makes a lot of sense, at least to me.. I think I can relates everything that you said to these people, as I'm also an immigrant. We come here to this beautiful country based on few reasons.

1. We wants a better life for ourself, loved ones, and children.

2. This is a land of Equal Opportunity!

3. It is the people here that wanted us here for economy reason.

The reason I'm here is really based on reason # 2. My father doesn't have much confident in the Malaysia's education, and thus, he sent all of his kids to The States to further up their studies.

I will be finishing up my studies very soon [I hope]. I have always wanted to stay in this beautiful country, but recently, with everythings that been goin' on, I'm beginning to question my reasoning to stay here. Is it worth it for me to built everything and on the other hand bein' labeled as a OUTSIDER? To me....Hell NO!

As you and Lance pointed out, this land was build build by immigrants. So, based on that saying, we [by me saying "we", I meant the politics people] are saying that we don't need them anymore, as we can pretty much survive by ourself. To me, thats a very selfish saying.

As for the security reason, I give 'em that. Everything chaged after 9/11. And I'm still condeming the people that were behind this. Those people should be put in HELL where fire burn underneath their feet.

However, to be reasonable about this, if the government doesn't allow any immigrants to stay in this country legally, it will just hurt the country in the long run. Money will be goin' out from this country either you like or not. So, why don't we just legalize these people, so that they will have their righful benefits, and the country will benefits from the taxes. Its a win-win situation.

Both parties will benefit from each other. We, the Biologists called it "Symbiosis"

I don't know, maybe I'm overly sensitive when it come to this issue, and I wish to apologize for that. I had wanted to post something about this in my blog, but I hesitate, as I know I can get pretty,..ehm...Out-of-control.

Lastly, I'm sorry if I offend anyone. Feel free to erase this post if you want to. I won't be offended at all.

7:04 PM  

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