Wednesday, March 29, 2006

At Least He's Got a Sense of Humor

I went to the local news website and saw a tagline that said 'Husband Moves To Roof To Get Kids Out Of Bedroom". I was like huh? So I read the story and about died laughing. It's happening in Michigan. The man moved to the roof to prove a point to his wife...he doesn't want their kids sleeping in the parents bedroom. How great is that? I just got a kick of can read more about it on his blog. There are some great photos on there of him with various signs as well as a link to sign his petition. I like reading stuff like this. Makes me laugh and who doesn't need that once in a while or all the time if you're me :)

One of my favorite shows is Scrubs although I haven't been watching it. Anyway I was reading about the show and some of the characters nicknames and one of them for Dr. Kelso is Beelzebob..his first name is Bob. Now every time I think about it, read it, or say it to myself I can't stop laughing. I haven't been watching much tv here lately...just been watching movies..nothing new really, just some of my favorites. I'm supposed to get some new ones this week but I'm not sure. I kept forgetting to put the movies in the mailbox so hopefully something will be coming...King Kong is on the list as well as a movie that I have to watch for one of my classes.

I came into work this morning and saw something weird on the edge. Now I work Downtown and yeah I know bats are just about everywhere but there was this tiny brown thing hanging out on the ledge. It was too cute. I'd never seen a bat that close before. I went out and tried to pick it up on the newspaper but it just sort of lifted a wing. (I didn't know it was a bat til it picked up its wing; I thought it was a mole) I was kind of scared because of rabies so I came in and got the facilities manager and he came out to take a look. He's up to date on his rabies vaccine so he was ok with picking it up. Once it rolled onto the manila folder it fully spread it's wings. I think there was something wrong with it but it was still cute. Anyway he put it in one of the bushes. I'm hoping it will be ok. So that was the highlight of my day so far.

Well thats all for the moment. I know it's a little haphazard and I jump around a lot but I thought it was a nice change to write about something interesting and fun rather than depressing :)


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