Friday, May 12, 2006


I don't have one solid thing to write about at the moment. Maybe as I go along I'll think of something. Tonight I'm going out with some friends....well I know 3 of them. I don't know who the rest are but that's ok with me. It's Dave's girlfriends 21st birthday so a group of us is going out. Should be interesting nonetheless. I'm n0t thrilled at staying out so late or being around Dave but I promised I would go. Dave's a weird guy. There are things he does that aren't good at all. I'm not going to get into it so I'll leave it at inappropriate. Maggie came home yesterday. Poor Maggie had to be in the car with Dave for hours...I felt bad for her. Next week is Longo's graduation from basic training. Something tells me that they aren't going to get married like they've been planning. Not to be a pessimist but I just don't think they're right for each other. If you saw them together you would say the same thing. Especially when he pulled the whole "I wanna go play with guns and shoot people" thing (joining the military). People have their reasons for joining the military but his reason was he didn't know what to do so he thought that playing with guns would be an interesting move...he was supposed to go into the police academy but that didn't work out so he went for the place that would take him...The Army. I just don't understand. Like I said some people have their reasons for joining like paying for college or wanting to protect our country..his weren't good.

It's going to be busy here the next couple weekends. Next weekend is Zoe's birthday and the weekend after that is the HFStival. I'm taking Gage along with me. That should be fun. He's a good kid so it should be fun. Lots of good music and all that so we'll see. It feels like May is just flying by. We had some nasty thunderstorms come through last night but we needed the rain. There was a tornado watch but that was cancelled at 10. I stayed up fairly late last night only because when I came home I fell asleep til 9:30. Not a good thing especially since I have to get up between 5 and 5:30. Oh well though. It's ok...I'll get over it.

Well nothing else is going on. I know it's boring...hopefully some good stuff will happen and I'll have better things to write about. I still have to get the pictures from the rally up on here. I keep forgetting it at home. I'll definitely do that next week.


Blogger Lance said...

Yea, I'm still waiting to see those pics, too lol.

7:16 PM  

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