Memorial Day

That's Boscoe...I didn't name stepdad did. He's almost 4 months old and he's a demon! He likes to bite but whene he's like this he's super cute. :)
This weekend was supposed to be really busy but it turned out not to be. I went to the concert on Saturday. It was ok but we left early. It was too hot and I was already getting a sunburn and a headache so I decided to call it quits. Besides, everyone I wanted to see wasn't on til much much later and I couldn't stay for the whole thing anyway so once the Misfits were finished with their set, we left. I don't particularly like the Misfits but Jason insisted that Gage see them before we left. Gage is my 13 year old Godson. So once I got home I stayed there for a while then headed over my sisters. On Sunday had to go back over my sisters house for a cookout which was actually pretty fun. Sunday night a bunch of us were supposed to go out but it was too late and only 5 of us did. I just wanted to go home and go to sleep. Sunday morning at 4:30 a.m. Maggie called and asked me to pick her up from Dave's house. I don't know the full story but something happened. At some point I'll know. All I know is that it wasn't a good thing. Yesterday was full of running. My stepdad bought chairs so I had to go pick them up and then John came over. I tease my stepdad about John. I call him his man-friend. I don't know why that bothers him so much but it does. Anyway John hasn't been having the best of luck here lately. His wife just left him and all so he's been pretty lonely. That's why he came over. He's good people. We bought a bushel of crabs and made some other stuff and just hung out at home. Good times. I was supposed to go see X-3 over the weekend but once again I didn't make it. I'm definitely going on Saturday though this weekend. I have to go. I've heard nothing but good things about it so I'm almost 100% sure it's going to be good. There are so many good movies coming out this summer. It's crazy.
That cat looks awfully energetic lol. And cute, of course. They're always so cute when they're little.
You'll enjoy the X-Men. I thought it was the best of the three so far.
Make sure you stay until after the credits finish rolling, though. There's a surprise after the credits. Apparently no one knew in the theatre when I went to see it besides me and our party because everyone left but us lol.
It's a lot of credits, too. But trust me. Be patient and wait until they're all over and you'll get to see the surprise ending.
Energetic is an understatement :) Instead of waiting to go over the weekend I'm going on Thursday. I told my friends that we had to stay til after the credits and now they're all excited. Thanks for the tip :)
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