Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Dracorex Hogwartsia

Just goes to show you how much of an effect Harry Potter is on the world at large. A dinosaur skull that was donated to an Indianapolis museum is now named Dracorex Hogwartsia. What an honor it must be for J.K. Rowling to know that her books have made such an impact on the world. I thought it was a cool news story. Something fun and light when the news seems anything but. Like most Harry Potter fans, I'm patiently waiting til the final book is released. It's one of those things where you don't want it to end but you can't wait til it does. I don't know how else to explain it. At least we have the movies...it'll take them a while to finish them up. I'm curious to see how they do the next 2 books. I liked Goblet of Fire...not my favorite book out of the series but essential to the story. So much happened at the end of that book that impacts the rest of the series. The movie was well done. I was a little disappointed that they didn't have the house elves in there but you can't have everything. I wonder if they're going to have the house elves in the next one. I would think that they would considering they do something very important in the story but then again Dobby did something important in Goblet of Fire and they took it out and had Neville do it. I would like to see Neville have a bigger part in the series although as of the last 2 books, his part has increased. I think it'll be another year or so before anything new with the Harry Potter series comes out. I know it takes J.K. Rowling time to finish a book that will finish one of the most popular children's series of all time and I wouldn't want to rush her. I know she'll do a fantastic job it's just the waiting that's the worst part.

I reread the books when I need something to read and I always find something new that I didn't notice before. Remember when you're in high school English and the teachers dissect the books telling you to look for symbolism and theme and plot and all that. I used to think that it was something that I would need to know. It's a good thing I learned them especially symbolism. Symbolism is a huge part of the Harry Potter series. I don't just read Harry Potter; I do read other things but so far this is the only series I've read in a long time. I've read the LOTR books and when I was a kid, I read the Anne of Green Gables series as well as the Babysitters Club. Those were good books too. I think most girls my age read those when they were young. Anyway back to what I was saying...Symbolism is a huge character itself through out the Harry Potter books. I go through and pick up things that are alluded to that I didn't notice before. Most books deserve a second go round so you can find little things that drop hints as to what's going to happen in the future...especially if it's a series.


Blogger Lance said...

I remember reading about the "Hogwarts Dinosaur." It seems an odd name for a dinosaur, though.

There aren't any dinosaurs in the Harry Potter books.

Except for Professor McGonagall, of course.


It's a joke, get it?


Professor McGonagall...?

*Sigh* Nevermind. I thought it was funny.

3:54 PM  
Blogger Kyleen said...

I thought it was funny too. They said the reason they named it that was because it looked like a dragon. I should have posted the link to the story but it was an afterthought.

4:25 AM  

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