Religious Differences
I read a story today that really made me angry. We are used to religious differences and how in some other countries, and sometimes in our own, that one religious group believes it is right and they quarrel with another. Of course this has been a huge issue in Northern Ireland for sometime; as long as I can remember anyway. You would think that given the state of the world that people would learn to look past their religious differences and accept one another for who they are and not what they are. It's just getting old. Religious wars and rivalries have been going on since the beginning of time it seems. The world has evolved a lot in that time but judging by news in some parts of the world, it hasn't evolved enough. Two weeks ago a 15 year old boy was beaten to death by 6 other kids because he was Catholic. Here's the story if you want to read it.Why? It's so senseless. No act of murder really makes sense unless maybe it's in self defense or something to that effect but when it's over something like that it's just stupid. It's about as stupid as someone being killed for the shoes they're wearing or because they talked to someone they weren't supposed to. It's really sad that people can't get over their differences and just learn to get along. I know that's being naive and if everyone did that then we would live in a Utopia but it's a nice thought. I would hope that someday soon people would wise up and realize that killing someone solves nothing.
On a brighter note I watched "Elizabethtown" yesterday and it was a really good movie. I don't know why it did so bad. I mean some of it was a little strange but all in all it was good. I would go to the movies and watch it. The reason I don't go to the movies often is because I can't afford to or I don't want to go by myself. I don't like going to the movies alone and my friends don't always want to see some of the movies that I want and vice versa. I'm not a huge Kirsten Dunst fan but she was really good in the movie. Usually I like her or hate her in a movie. Orlando Bloom was good too as was Susan Sarandon. There is one part in there that is hilarious and it involves a paper mache bird. If you watch it you'll know what I'm talking about. I about died when that part came up. It was good though so if you have the chance you should definitely watch it.
On a brighter note I watched "Elizabethtown" yesterday and it was a really good movie. I don't know why it did so bad. I mean some of it was a little strange but all in all it was good. I would go to the movies and watch it. The reason I don't go to the movies often is because I can't afford to or I don't want to go by myself. I don't like going to the movies alone and my friends don't always want to see some of the movies that I want and vice versa. I'm not a huge Kirsten Dunst fan but she was really good in the movie. Usually I like her or hate her in a movie. Orlando Bloom was good too as was Susan Sarandon. There is one part in there that is hilarious and it involves a paper mache bird. If you watch it you'll know what I'm talking about. I about died when that part came up. It was good though so if you have the chance you should definitely watch it.
As you said, religious tolerance is something we've grown up with in America and so, for the most part, we're spared incidents like that. We're just not used to the feelings and animosity that are in so many other areas of the world where religion is literally a matter of life and death.
I haven't gotten around to seeing Elizabethtown yet. I've been meaning to. My brother was actually born in Etown, KY. He's seen the movie, and told me it was good, but I haven't gotten to it yet. I'll have to do that soon. You made it sound really interesting.
Yeah I liked it a lot. I'd like to see Orlando Bloom do more movies like that. I mean I thought he was excellent in the LOTR movies as well as Pirates of the Caribbean but it was nice to see him as a regular Joe so to speak. I know that doesn't exactly appeal to his legions of underage female fans but for the rest of us over the age of 18, I think it was a welcome change.
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