Lots of Birthdays and Other Stuff

Today is Maggie's birthday. We were supposed to go to heavy metal karaoke but it looks like that isn't going to happen. So I think we're going to wind up at Sean Bolan's which is fine because they aren't that crowded during the week. There are a lot of birthdays this month. First was Josh and Claude (theirs was on the 16th), then it's Maggie's today, I think Kerry's was yesterday but I'm not 100% sure. I haven't talked to him in a while so no big deal. I think the last time I talked to him was at his dad's funeral. Tomorrow's is Mike's and next Wednesday is Heidi's. That's a lot of birthdays in a month. I thought the fall was bad with the people in my immediate family.
I found that cute picture of a baby polar bear on yahoo yesterday. If you click this link, you can see all sorts of cool, cute pictures. I like the baby Egyptian tortoises. They are so tiny and in about a hundred years or so, God willing, they'll still be around. Some of the captions, especially the one with the 2 polar bears playing, talk about how some polar bears are resorting to cannibalism because they can't find food. I know I've talked about the polar bears ad nauseum but people just don't seem to care. I know that there are more important issues out there but the potential to wipe out a species is there and it doesn't seem right. Where are the environmentalists from the past? They used to be everywhere. In other "environmental" news, Greenpeace is protesting the killing of whales at St. Kitts. Unfortunately, they lost by one vote and there will be a return to normal whaling. You can read about it here.
I finished "Derailed"....not a good movie. It was very predictable. It wasn't the actors I think it was just the story line. Hopefully "Syriana" will be coming in next. I've been wanting to see that movie for a while. I'll have to look around to see what else is out. I know last week "The Princess Bride" came out on DVD. I'll definitely be buying that. I love that movie...especially Billy Crystal as Miracle Max. He was hilarious and of course who could forget "Hello, My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father. Prepare to die!". Probably one of the most quoted lines in the film aside from "As you wish". I'm looking forward to getting that. I haven't seen it in a long time. Great movie.
INCONCEIVABLE! ... "You keep using that word; I do not think it means what you think it means."
"Don't rush me. If you rush a miracle man, you get rotten miracles."
That's such a great movie with a lot of great lines.
8 )
There are so many great lines in that movie...it's hard to just pick one. It's one of those movies that never gets old. I just love it!
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