Environmental Issue

With all that's going on here today it's hard to think about things that don't appear to affect us in our little bubble but global warming affects all of us. We know that the polar ice caps are melting. There are severe consequences to be had if they melt. Some things are already changing. One of them is the Polar Bear population. The Polar bear population is dwindling directly because of global warming. The polar ice to the North provides them a place to live and hunt. Without it they have to swim and eventually they drown. I'm almost sure that I wrote about this before but I think this is a serious problem and something has to be done about it. I was talking to my sister and some people over her house and we were talking about endangered species. I think it was Brandon who said why does that affect me? Why do we care about a species that has nothing to do with us? I thought that was perhaps one of the most ignorant things a person has ever said in my presence. It has everything to do with us. We are the ones destroying their habitat and in some cases killing them for sport. I know people hunt and yes for food that's fine. I just don't understand why someone would hunt a polar bear or any bear for that matter. I don't understand hunting for the most part when they have products that are readily available in the grocery store but even then someone has to kill the animal. Really makes me want to become a vegetarian. I've been contemplating that for a while now but that has nothing to do with what I'm writing about really. So I get regular updates from Greenpeace and yes I'm familiar with the fact that when they were protesting oil drilling they rented a boat that used oil and all that. I'm not saying they're right in all they say but some of what they say makes sense. Anyway I got an update today and it had to do with the polar bear situation. There is a video you can watch, it's only a couple minutes but boy does it get the point across. I'm going to post the link here.
Global warming is an issue that has been batted around for many years now. Al Gore has been attached to a movie out called "An Inconvenient Truth" . I hope people can put aside their politics and see this movie. I have every intention of doing so whether I have to go by myself or not. It should be interesting to see some of the issues this movie brings to the masses. I'm hoping to see it sometime soon. When I do I'll be sure to write about it here. It has the potential to make an impact on all people so that they see what is happening to the planet and maybe it will get through to one person and maybe change their perspective on the world. That's what I'm hoping for anyway. I know it's a politically motivated film but it's something that needs to be seen.
I hope his movie shows around here where I live. We don't have a lot of theatres; just one multi-plex, really. But I'd definitely like to see it.
Yeah the closest place to me that they're showing it is in Bethesda. That was pretty disappointing but I might go see it there anyway. It's probably worth it.
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