Tuesday, June 20, 2006

About Time!

Well I did it! I finally went and got my eyes examined. I knew I needed to get it done but it was a matter of time and funds; well I went yesterday and found that my prescription had barely changed. That was good news. So instead of glasses, I opted to get contacts. Right now I have a trial pair in and they're pretty nice. I'm still going to wind up getting glasses because you can't wear contacts all the time and sometimes you can scratch your cornea and if you do that, you can't wear contacts for a while. I'm liking it though. It's been about 7 years since I've worn contacts so it's a nice change. I don't leave them in over night...I'm paranoid when it comes to that. I'm still getting used to putting them in and taking them out. They're smaller than the last set I had which is good because last time I had them one of them fell out while I was driving. Not the best time to lose a contact. So that's what I did yesterday when I went home. After that I finished "Jarhead". The jury is still out on whether I actually liked it. I loved Peter Sarsgaard's character, Troy. I'll watch just about anything he's in though. I really liked him in "Garden State". I do think it was a fairly accurate representation of what happens to soldiers when they're put in situations like that. I don't think I could do it.

I was listening to the radio on the way in and they were talking about those 2 soldiers that were kidnapped in Iraq and that they found their bodies. I know it's war and it's all part of it but I can't help but wonder why people kill each other. It's an age old question. It doesn't make sense. Now their families and friends lives are torn apart. It's something we've seen countless times since the beginning of this "war". Japan is preparing to remove troops like England and Australia already did. How long do you think it's going to take for us to get out of there? I don't see it happening any time soon...unfortunately. Pretty soon we're going to be the only ones left and then what? There is no plan in place for the evacuation of our troops. I think we're going to be there for a very long time. The House refuses to give a time table on the removal of troops even though at the beginning of the year, they said they were going to reduce the number of troops there. The way I see it, more and more of them are going in. It looks like we're going to be going at this alone. We shouldn't have been there in the first place but now that Iraq is in shambles, what else can we do? We destroyed their cities; we've taken away what they've known. I'm not saying that I agreed with the way Sadaam handled things....he's everything they say he is but did we have any right to go over and invade their country under faulty intelligence? Nope. Now we're stuck. There is no end in sight. I don't think we're going to be able to rid Iraq of the Insurgents. That's not being realistic. What bothers me most is the condition of the soldiers. The ones who had to kill or be killed. I can't imagine the horrors that some of them saw over there. I know it's their job to protect this country by any means necessary and that means killing but still. I'm sure they've seen things that none of us could possibly think of. I believe we're going to have a situation much like we did after Vietnam. Countless soldiers suffering from PTSD; having flashbacks, mental health problems are going to run rampant and for what? What have we gained by invading Iraq? The only thing I can think of is a huge debt both in money and in lives. We are destroying peoples lives for no reason. It doesn't seem right. I'll never understand the concept of war. People should fight for what they believe in but I have to go with MLK on this one: Passive Resistance. There are things that people should fight for like equal rights. But when that fight turns to violence, everyone loses.


Blogger Lance said...

Good to hear your eyesight didn't get any worse and you're right, it's a good idea to switch it up like that with the contacts and glasses, but ya know...like I was saying this morning...

So true about the vets, too. Some of the stuff I've seen and heard already are as horrific as the 'Nam stories.

It's a sad situation and only gets worse by the day.

6:30 PM  

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