Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Turning Around?

Well things turned out alright. He went to see his probation officer and he said that he could be off probation as early as July which is fantastic. I'm still looking for places to move. I might be looking at a place this evening. I really really hope it works out. It's in a neighborhood that I love and the rent is cheap. Man I really hope it works out. I just want to move. I need to be out of the house. My sister is having her surgery today. She came up over the weekend for Mother's Day and we all went out to dinner on Saturday. It was fun. So that's pretty much it. Everything is going as well as can be expected. I don't know...I'm just praying that things are starting to fall in place. Speaking of fall...Jerry Falwell died today. I don't really have much to say about it other than the man was nuts...he's the guy who said that the Teletubbies were gay and liked to spread hate around. I don't hate the guy...hate is such a strong word. I just didn't like him or anything he represented. He was just nuts. Ok that's it!


Blogger Lily said...

I hope everything goes well with the place you looked at. I agree with you when you say Jerry Falwell was nuts.

7:54 AM  

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