More Not So Good Stuff
My head's been all over the place. Keith and I are not getting the place we intended to. The arrangement fell through over the weekend. I was kinda bummed about it but instead of moving there, I'm just going to move in with him where he's at now. So it's really not all that bad. I think we're going to continue looking for another place though because neither of us wants to be in an apartment. A house would be great but for now that's just not feasible. In other "bad" news...depending on what happens this week...Keith's in a bit of trouble. About 5 years ago he got a DWI. I know that's not a good thing and he could have hurt himself or worse someone else. Since then however he's made changes in his life so that he won't drink and drive again. He knows what a huge mistake it was and there isn't a thing in the world that would make him do it again. He did some jail time which was completely deserved and has been on probation ever since not to mention that he lost his license. Now there are people out there who have killed others driving while intoxicated that haven't had as many issues getting over the charge than he has. He is still on probation and in order for him to get his license back, he has to have a breathalizer installed in the car he intends to drive for at least 2 years. I'm all for the breathalizer being put in the car. I mean if that's going to prevent someone from getting behind the wheel endangering others, than I'm all for it! However it's about time that they take him off probation. I mean come on! What else do you want him to do? He lost his job over it because he couldn't drive to and from the work sites, he had little to no social life, not to mention his independence was taken from him. I think it's time to get it over with. He has to see is probation officer this week and he's afraid that they're going to extend the probation. There really is no reason for them to do so but weirder things have happened. The judge that handled his case postponed the court dates for 1 year. It's just been one thing after another with it. It's done and over with and in order for him to move ahead and get what he needs to done, they need to stop with all this nonsense. He's got enough on his plate with trying to find treatment and all that stuff. I'm just really hoping that things get better for him from this point on. I wish there was something I could do to help but I know there isn't aside from just being there for him. Maggie's officially pissed at me. Not much I can do about that either. She has to realize that when she got married and left, things changed. Marriage is a big deal and it changes not only the people that got married, but those close to them. When she chose to get married and live in Kentucky since that's where he was stationed, a lot of things changed. When she came home she thought it was going to be like it was before she left. Unfortunately, she wasn't prepared for some of the changes that took place. People grow up and away from others, that just happens but sometimes people can grow up and away and still find a way to be friends. It's a weird thing you know? I mean people can be friends but they have to accept that there are thing in a person's life that change. It takes a special kind of person, a true friend, that will stick around through all that. When she left, I was just kind of hanging out with Keith...we were nothing more than friends but slowly things went in the other direction. Now he's a huge part of my life and if she can't see that, then I don't know what to tell her. I told her that on Friday we should get together and hash all this out. There are things that I need to get off my chest and vice versa. So who knows. The thing is that her whole family knows what's been going on since Keith is part of that family. It's not that he told anyone because I didn't even say anything to him about what was happening. She told her sister, bad mistake, and it escalated from there. Oh well...not much I can do about it right? There are only a couple people in my life that I consider true friends and the weird thing is that they all seem to understand. I don't know why she can't. It's just one of those things I suppose. So this weekend I guess I'll know what's going on. Either she'll take what I have to say well or she won't. Either way it's better out in the open rather than just being awkward knowing that there are things that need to be cleared up but because of avoidance, it's doesn't happen.
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