Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Good Lord it's been cold! I mean it gets cold around here in the winter but never really this cold. I should be happy that it's all done and over with as far as the bitter cold but still. We got some snow overnight which always makes the drive to work in the am fun. I guess winter is playing catch up with us. We had a mild December and January so I guess it's only fitting that we get a good cold snap to remind us that it is actually winter. It is pretty though when it's quiet and you see snow on the ground. It makes you just want to snuggle up with a blanket and look out the window. That would never happen in my case but it's nice to think that probably someone somewhere is doing just that. Maybe when I'm retired (which probably won't be until I'm 90 if I live that long) I'll have that chance. Nothing really going on. I have some school work to do but other than that it's quiet for the time being. I don't feel like studying at the moment. I have a test in history this evening and I don't know what to expect. Well I do and I don't. I know what we're being tested on but I don't know how she wants us to answer the questions. I know it's not going to take the whole class to take the test so it should be short answer or something along those lines. I would love for this one to be multiple choice but I know it's not gonna be.

I have to find something to occupy my time this weekend. I don't care about during the day but at night it's gonna be difficult. This will be the first weekend that I won't be at Keith's since Christmas. That's gonna be weird. He's going to Philly to do some work. I'm glad he has the chance though because something good has to happen to the guy! He's always getting screwed over when it comes to work. He does the work and never gets paid. The one guy he's been doing work for wants him to have this one house done this week which would be possible if he had people other than himself working on it but since he's the only one, it's all on him. I wish there was a way for me to help him but since I have no electrical knowledge whatsoever, I can't. Oh well. I'm just happy that he's getting this. He's been trying so unbelievable hard to get ahead it's only right that something goes his way. I don't know...I'll just have to work it out. I'm sure there is other stuff I could be doing, right?


Blogger athen said...

Cold as it is, we are still missing snow.

Good luck with your History's test!

Honestly, its really hard to be a nice person and still has a amazing life. I'm not saying its not possible, but its really hard. You get screwed over and over again, and before you knew it, you are back to square one.

So, way to go Keith!

5:25 AM  
Blogger Lily said...

I know what you mean about the cold. I hate the Cold I just want to hibernate in my house too but to do that I would have to not have a job and be finacially stable enough to do so.
I am glad that keith got some more work. Good luck to him. It's hard to make an honest living when all you get is screwed over.

9:30 AM  
Blogger athen said...

Nope. Its still not snowing yet. But the sky looks really cloudy. Keep the fingers crossed ;)

6:24 AM  

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