Freaking OUT!
I'm freaking out just a little bit. Keith's been in a mood all week because he's worried about seeing his probation officer. I can't say I blame him because I think if it was me I'd be on edge too. Actually am on edge and really it has nothing to do with me. Anyway he was supposed to go this morning...I called and wished him good luck and he said he'd talk to me later. Fast forward to about an hour ago his mom called to ask if I'd heard from him. I haven't and really didn't expect to until later. Apparently they got into it this morning and he started walking to the courthouse. He left his phone with her so no one can reach him. I'm worried only because if he got in trouble, he doesn't have any numbers to call because I know he's not going to call his mom. I don't know what to do. I want to leave here and go look for him but I also don't want to freak him out you know? I don't know if this was overstepping my bounds but I called the detention center to see if he'd been brought in, he hadn't and then I called the probation office but I had another phone call so I had to go before they could actually tell me anything. I didn't want to call back just in case. I'm not trying to check up on him in the sense as to where he's at. I just to know that he's not in jail or isn't stranded anywhere. I'm hoping he went home and got his other phone. Worse comes to worse if I don't hear from him this afternoon, I'll call that one. And if I have to I'll go to his house. I just want him to be ok. I can't wait to get out of here. The sooner the better but of course since I want/need to leave the day is dragging.
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