President Barack Obama
Well it's finally happened...Barack Obama is president. I couldn't be more thrilled. I wanted to go to D.C. to be part of the crowd but I don't do well in large crowds like that or traffic. Besides I had to work anyway. I did get to catch his speech and swearing in. People at work set up the projector and all that in one of the conference rooms so that people wouldn't miss it. I'm so happy that Bush is gone. Yeah I know he didn't create all the problems but he had a hand in it. I didn't like his policies on certain things and had a hard time identifying with him. Dick Cheney is still the devil. I caught myself wishing that his wheelchair would flip over and he would tumble out. I know that's a horrible thing to think but I couldn't help it. I think Dick Cheney is probably one of the most awful corrupt human beings on the planet and to have him in that high an office was scary. It's a miracle we survived 8 years of that nonsense. So now I'm looking forward happy that this country is finally getting on the right track. I've been a fan of Obama since his keynote speech at the DNC back in '04. I knew he was going to be something but I didn't know if or when he was going to be president. Unfortunately I thought that there would be a chance that something would happen that would deter him from running for office. I'm glad that didn't happen and that the majority of Americans were with him all the way. It's been a wild ride that's for sure. I'm glad I lived to see the first African American president elected to office. Looking back on election night, remembering when the results came in. Flipping from one channel to another. I caught Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert's special and I can remember seeing both Stewart and Colbert tear up a little when announcing that Obama had won. I did the same thing. How could you not tear up a little when that happened? I really believe that Obama was the right person for the job and his presidency has already gone down in history. I hope that it will go down as one of the most successful presidencies the U.S. has seen. Of course only time will tell. When I have kids and grandkids I'll be able to tell them what I got to see and what part I had in helping him get there even if it was just 1 vote. One vote adds up to millions and I'm glad I could witness this event. Here's to Obama and at least 4 years of hope and change.
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