I was thinking this morning about this and that and I got to thinking about kids. Just about everyone I know has kids and hopefully someday I will join that club but anyway that's not what I was really thinking about. There are 2 people in my life that I admire when it comes to their kids: Jason and Keith. They were both in the same sort of situation which is kinda odd when you think about it. Both had previous drug problems, both gave up custody of their kids because they knew it was the right thing to do for the kids, both kicked their drug habits on their own. It's weird. I know Gage's mom is on the fast track to either dying on the street or heading to jail. I hate to say that because I don't want to see that happen to her. If she got off the drugs and straightened herself out, I think Jason would be more than happy to allow her to see Gage but as it stands, that's just not going to happen. Gage wants to meet his mom but I can see why Jason doesn't want him to. He doesn't want Gage to see what his mother's become. He hasn't seen her since he was 2 and as far as I know, she hasn't tried to see him since then either. It's a shame really...very sad. Jason ran into Karen's cousin and she told him what was going on with her. Her oldest daughter and Gage's sister, Samantha, has a baby of her own and is taking care of her little brother at the same time. If I saw that girl I would give her a big hug. She was such a good kid it just sucks that she got a raw deal. She's doing good though. Anyway Jason told Karen's cousin that he would be more than happy to have Gage and Samantha and Wesley meet at some point as long as Karen wasn't around because the minute Karen shows up, Gage will be out of there. Gage has a right to know his siblings and build a relationship with them. Even though many people would consider Karen "trash", I don't think she's that. I think she got mixed up and doesn't know where to go or how to live. I don't like that whenever anyone in the family brings up Karen all they do is belittle her in front of him. That's wrong. I don't do it no matter what my feelings towards Karen are. I don't think it's right for people to tell a kid that his mom is a whore and all that. I try to say nothing but nice things about her. She was a good mom before the drugs. Yes she may have been a stripper but at that time there wasn't anything else she could do to make money to raise her kids. People do what they have to do when it comes to making money so that their kids can eat. I can't blame her for that. I just hope that someday she'll realize that she's messed up and tries to get it right and then maybe she can have a relationship with her kids. Keith's situation is almost identical...kinda scary. He's got a good kid too though. I hope that when I have kids, that they're something like the kids that I have in my life already. Each of them are different and quirky in their own way but they're really wonderful. I love having them around and being around them.
I agree that people shouldn't be going around telling Gage that his mom is a whore and all that other stuff. That is just wrong. She just needs some direction in her life and like you said hopefully she'll realize she's messed up and try and work thing out with her kids. Gage is very lucky to have someone like you to only say nice things about his mom. I hope that everything works out great for the little guy!!! :)
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