Environmental Issue Part 2

I've written quite a bit about polar bears, whales, and the new movie "An Inconvenient Truth". I have still yet to see the movie but I'm thinking that maybe next weekend I will. I don't know if it was because more and more people were seeing the movie or what but more theaters in my area are showing it so I'm going to trek on down to Arundel Mills and watch it. An article was posted on yahoo about how the Earth's temperature is at an all time high..at least the highest it's been in 2,000 years. If you want to read about it click here. I know there are people out there that aren't interested in learning about this and I know that a lot of people view it as propaganda but it shouldn't be. The health of the Earth is something that every human on this planet should be worried about because there is only ONE Earth. There is no other planet that we know of where we can survive and I think it's going to be many many years before we find out if there is one. (Yeah I realize that last statement might make me sound a little on the loony side but here's the deal: I would never be so arrogant as to assume that we are the only living beings in space. There is no end to space and who's to say that at some other area of space doesn't have a planet like Earth where things can live. I'm not saying aliens but living things. What if God decided to make other planets? What if there are humans on another planet but we don't know because we haven't gotten that far? I'll right about that some other time though)
I was just poking around and I found on yahoo! (because that's what I do) and they had a segment on Al Gore talking about his movie "An Inconvenient Truth". I talked about that already so I'm not going to go into it but the news anchor asked him a really really good question. The question was "What can we do now other than get rid of the SUV's?" and Mr. Gore said to go to this website http://www.climatecrisis.net/ and there you can find some of the things you can do everyday that will help the environment. The first on the list was replace incandescent light bulbs. Seems easy enough doesn't it? Another was to turn your thermostat up 2 degrees in the summer and down 2 degrees in the winter. Really, are you gonna feel those 2 degrees? Probably not. There are a whole bunch of things you can do to reduce pollution. You know what I was thinking about doing? I was thinking of rounding up some friends and family and going to see the movie. Even the ones that "don't care" about the environment. I think everyone should see it. Even if you don't agree with Al Gore's politics you can understand that he's just trying to educate people and make people aware of what's happening to the Earth.
At one point during the interview on Good Morning America, Al wishes that the president would change his mind and watch the film. Why won't the president watch the film? I don't understand. I'm sure he's probably seen X3 and maybe he might have seen the DaVinci Code (well maybe not the DaVinci Code but you never know...maybe someone talked him into it). He could take 2 hours of his busy schedule to see what is happening to this world. I know it's Bush I'm talking about but still. He can push tee time back a little and make good use of it by seeing the movie. I wish we could get it out on DVD quicker but that probably won't be for some time considering the movie just recently came out. Even if he doesn't see it maybe lots of Americans and people from other countries as well will see it and put pressure on political leaders to do something about it. That's what I'm hoping for anyway.
I'm totally agreed with what Al Gore said. One earth philosophy doesn't seem to penetrate everyone's mind.
I predict this Summer will be hotter than usual, and everyone's seem to go on with their daily monotonous life. Then suddenly I read an article in Google's news about how earth's temperature is at the highest in 2000 years.
My first impression when I read the title was....there ya go..keep up with what y'all been doin', and we might have to say goodbye to this lovely earth. Dumbo!!!
I guess I will have to check out that movie that you talked about.
Anyway, this is a educated post [at least to me, as I seldom read news]
2000 Years?!?! Wow I knew that it was hotter up here than usual but I didn't know that. And I agree with the 2 degree's thing, it's only two degree's it's not like people are really going to notice.
I learned a few new things here, I am definatly have to go and check out that movie.
Great Post!!!!!
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