Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Some Valid Points

I was reading the news and they were talking about those Iraqi civilians who were systematically murdered by the Marines because the Marines were upset about one of their own being killed. I understand that they were upset...I mean when I hear that any one is killed especially someone who's serving their country I get upset but to gun down innocent men, women, and children is uncalled for. That's what I don't understand about war. Innocent people are always the ones that pay the highest price for something that they can't control. I know it's war and war has been around forever but you would think that people would learn. I mean it makes me ill to think about what those Marines did and now what's going to happen to them? I'm sure they aren't the first or the last to murder innocent people while "serving their country". I'm sure if you go through all the wars ever fought, you will find that innocents are the ones that pay the ultimate price. Doesn't seem fair does it? Anyway I was reading the story and on Yahoo at the bottom of the article there's an icon that says discuss. Now sometimes all you find on the message boards is trash. Once side beating up the other although as of recently, the tide seems to be turning again the Republicans that post on there. I was looking through some of the messages and read this one called Neocon Philosophy. I know it might seem like nitpicking but there are some valid points in there. I thought the last one was pretty funny though. The rest are pretty serious. Here it is:


Jesus loves you, and shares your hatred of homosexuals and Hillary Clinton.

Saddam was a good guy when Reagan armed him, a bad guy when Bush's daddy made war on him, a good guy when Cheney did business with him, and a bad guy when Bush needed a "we can't find Bin Laden" diversion.

Trade with Cuba is wrong because the country is Communist, but trade with China and Vietnam is vital to a spirit of international harmony.

The United States should get out of the United Nations, and our highest national priority is enforcing U.N. resolutions against Iraq.

A woman can't be trusted with decisions about her own body, but multi-national corporations can make decisions affecting all mankind without regulation.

The best way to improve military morale is to praise the troops in speeches, while slashing veterans' benefits and combat pay.

If condoms are kept out of schools, adolescents won't have sex.

A good way to fight terrorism is to belittle our long-time allies, then demand their cooperation and money.

Providing health care to all Iraqis is sound policy, but providing healthcare to all Americans is socialism. HMO's and insurance companies have the best interests of the public at heart.

Global warming and tobacco's link to cancer are junk science, but creationism should be taught in schools.

A president lying about an extramarital affair is an impeachable offense, but a president lying to enlist support for a war in which thousands die is solid defense policy.

Government should limit itself to the powers named in the Constitution,which include banning gay marriages and censoring the Internet.

The public has a right to know about Hillary's cattle trades, but George Bush's driving record is none of our business.

Being a drug addict is a moral failing and a crime, unless you're a conservative radio host. Then it's an illness and you need our prayers for your recovery.

Supporting "Executive Privilege" for every Republican ever born, who will be born or who might be born( in perpetuity.)

What Bill Clinton did in the 1960s is of vital national interest, but whatBush did in the '80s is irrelevant.

Support for hunters who shoot their friends and blame them for wearing orange vests similar to those worn by the quail

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Memorial Day

That's Boscoe...I didn't name stepdad did. He's almost 4 months old and he's a demon! He likes to bite but whene he's like this he's super cute. :)

This weekend was supposed to be really busy but it turned out not to be. I went to the concert on Saturday. It was ok but we left early. It was too hot and I was already getting a sunburn and a headache so I decided to call it quits. Besides, everyone I wanted to see wasn't on til much much later and I couldn't stay for the whole thing anyway so once the Misfits were finished with their set, we left. I don't particularly like the Misfits but Jason insisted that Gage see them before we left. Gage is my 13 year old Godson. So once I got home I stayed there for a while then headed over my sisters. On Sunday had to go back over my sisters house for a cookout which was actually pretty fun. Sunday night a bunch of us were supposed to go out but it was too late and only 5 of us did. I just wanted to go home and go to sleep. Sunday morning at 4:30 a.m. Maggie called and asked me to pick her up from Dave's house. I don't know the full story but something happened. At some point I'll know. All I know is that it wasn't a good thing. Yesterday was full of running. My stepdad bought chairs so I had to go pick them up and then John came over. I tease my stepdad about John. I call him his man-friend. I don't know why that bothers him so much but it does. Anyway John hasn't been having the best of luck here lately. His wife just left him and all so he's been pretty lonely. That's why he came over. He's good people. We bought a bushel of crabs and made some other stuff and just hung out at home. Good times. I was supposed to go see X-3 over the weekend but once again I didn't make it. I'm definitely going on Saturday though this weekend. I have to go. I've heard nothing but good things about it so I'm almost 100% sure it's going to be good. There are so many good movies coming out this summer. It's crazy.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

More Pictures

Here are the rest of the pictures from the rally. Like I said before they aren't as good as the ones that I posted yesterday. I don't take good pictures but they aren't too bad :)

One of the several processions of Sudanese.

Here is an older lady in a paper hat. My sister pointed her out so I took a picture of her. Later on she was with a group of them. I can't remember what the hats said but all of them said the same thing.

Another pic of the procession.

And another.

Of course I like Barak Obama a lot so I thought it was kind of neat that there was someone supporting him there. There were a lot of people that did, this is just one of the signs. Also right next to it is a sign with a great MLK quote: "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Pictures from the Rally

Finally I got around to posting the pictures I took from the rally against genocide. It took place in Washington, D.C. on April 30, 2006. I was so surprise at the amount of people that showed up. Just goes to show you that not all people are apathetic and some actually do care about what's going on not only here but in other countries too. (I had to make the photos smaller so sorry about that.) Here are just a few; at some point I'll put the other ones up as well. They aren't that great though :)

This is the stage where the speakers and performers were. There was this singer there (I have no idea who she was) and she sang that awful song from the 70's, I don't know the name of it but here's a sample lyric: "loving you is easy 'cause your beautiful" and then there is an ear piercing wail that follows it. It was probably the only low point of the rally for me. I couldn't stop laughing.

The rally was on the National Mall in front of the Capitol building. The tent right behind the big screen is where the speakers waited til it was there turn to speak. Paul Rusesabagina was the highlight of the speakers for me. I didn't get to hear Barak Obama. Someday I hope I get to though. At one point a child got separated from her mother and was taken into the tent to wait for her. They made an announcement and the fellow that made the announcement said something about the kid talking with George Clooney and that the mother should report to the tent immediately. Then he said in the next breath "Only the mother of the child. I see about 12 ladies out there who were about to make a dash for the tent". I thought it was funny. He was just joking around of course.

I found this sign funny. I don't know why...I just did. I really liked it. Holocaust survivors were among the speakers. Many Jewish delegations there because the subject hit close to home for them. It was good that they were there; I think it was good that the Sudanese had people there that could truly identify with them.

This is a Sudanese man who was speaking to some of the people in the crowd. My sister's head is slightly in the way...Sorry about that. Anyway there were quite a few of them circulating through the crowd. What I thought was odd, not in a bad way, was that they were thanking us for being there. I felt we should be apologizing to them for not doing anything about it sooner.

Throughout the rally groups Sudanese survivors would march up toward the front chanting "No More Genocide!" and clapping. This is one of my 2 favorite pictures.

And finally this is my other favorite picture. This kid wanted a better view of some of the speakers. Smart kid. What I found amazing was the diversity of the people that attended. There were people there of all races, creeds, and ages. It really seemed to bring people together. It wasn't an issue of Democrat or Republican but an issue of human rights. These people have suffered for too long. There should be no such thing as genocide...not today and not ever again. My hope for the future is that people will learn to get along and realize that killing is never the answer.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Dracorex Hogwartsia

Just goes to show you how much of an effect Harry Potter is on the world at large. A dinosaur skull that was donated to an Indianapolis museum is now named Dracorex Hogwartsia. What an honor it must be for J.K. Rowling to know that her books have made such an impact on the world. I thought it was a cool news story. Something fun and light when the news seems anything but. Like most Harry Potter fans, I'm patiently waiting til the final book is released. It's one of those things where you don't want it to end but you can't wait til it does. I don't know how else to explain it. At least we have the'll take them a while to finish them up. I'm curious to see how they do the next 2 books. I liked Goblet of Fire...not my favorite book out of the series but essential to the story. So much happened at the end of that book that impacts the rest of the series. The movie was well done. I was a little disappointed that they didn't have the house elves in there but you can't have everything. I wonder if they're going to have the house elves in the next one. I would think that they would considering they do something very important in the story but then again Dobby did something important in Goblet of Fire and they took it out and had Neville do it. I would like to see Neville have a bigger part in the series although as of the last 2 books, his part has increased. I think it'll be another year or so before anything new with the Harry Potter series comes out. I know it takes J.K. Rowling time to finish a book that will finish one of the most popular children's series of all time and I wouldn't want to rush her. I know she'll do a fantastic job it's just the waiting that's the worst part.

I reread the books when I need something to read and I always find something new that I didn't notice before. Remember when you're in high school English and the teachers dissect the books telling you to look for symbolism and theme and plot and all that. I used to think that it was something that I would need to know. It's a good thing I learned them especially symbolism. Symbolism is a huge part of the Harry Potter series. I don't just read Harry Potter; I do read other things but so far this is the only series I've read in a long time. I've read the LOTR books and when I was a kid, I read the Anne of Green Gables series as well as the Babysitters Club. Those were good books too. I think most girls my age read those when they were young. Anyway back to what I was saying...Symbolism is a huge character itself through out the Harry Potter books. I go through and pick up things that are alluded to that I didn't notice before. Most books deserve a second go round so you can find little things that drop hints as to what's going to happen in the future...especially if it's a series.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Summer Plans

Summer is fast approaching. I swear it seems like yesterday it was the first day of spring and now it's almost Memorial Day. Since I'm not taking any summer classes like I originally planned I think I'm going to try and read as much as possible this summer. I'm going to start with "Memoirs of a Geisha" and proceed on to "Angels & Demons". After that who knows what I'll read.

I was thinking of going on a short vacation this year but I don't know where I would go. I don't know who I would go with either. I don't want to go to Ocean City....too many people and I like the quiet. I wouldn't mind heading down to North Carolina or even hitting the Delaware beaches. I love being on the beach at night when it's quiet. That is one of my favorite things to do. Just throw on a sweatshirt and sit on the beach listening to the ocean. I don't think I could ever live far away from the ocean. I like it too much. I might just go down to St. Mary's City and look at some of the stuff there. I was thinking about going to Jamestown and walking around down there for a bit. It's the 400th anniversary of the founding of the Jamestown settlement so they probably have a lot going on. That would be a lot of fun to check out. Who knows though. I have time to think about it. I don't go back to school til September anyway so no big deal. I'm looking forward to the next semester though. I'm taking a couple interesting classes. I just hope they're as interesting as they sound. The only one I think is going to be an issue is math of course but I'm hoping that I can look at the book and maybe find some help over the summer to be better prepared for the fall. We'll see.

Tomorrow is Zoe's birthday party. I still haven't gotten her anything but I always try and get them books. I was thinking about getting her the first couple books in the "Anne of Green Gables" series or maybe just the first one. I loved that series as a little girl and sometimes I find myself reading it again. It's one of those series that grows up with you. I'll probably wind up getting her clothes though. She called me yesterday and said "Um, Ky? I know what I want for my birthday. I want these Hello Kitty sandals that have heels on them but I have to go with you to Target to buy them. Just the girls." She's too much! I hope I have kids like her and Morgan someday. They have their faults of course but who doesn't? All in all they are fantastic kids. Morgan is really creative. She loves to make up stories and likes to sing and dance in front of people. Zoe likes to sing and dance in front of people too but not as much as Morgan. Zoe's a little prissy...she likes to get her nails and hair done and loves to put on makeup. But her all time favorite thing to do is put puzzles together. Ever since she was little like a year and half to 2 years old, she's liked putting puzzles together. Her favorite was this ABC puzzle that had shapes and numbers too. You know, those wooded puzzles that have pegs on the top so kids can handle them better. The first thing she would do when she woke up was come down stairs, give me a hug and chill with me for a bit. Then she would say "Can we play ABC puzzles?" How can you say no to that? She's such a smart kid. They both are...they're just too much sometimes. They'll always make you laugh though.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Religious Differences

I read a story today that really made me angry. We are used to religious differences and how in some other countries, and sometimes in our own, that one religious group believes it is right and they quarrel with another. Of course this has been a huge issue in Northern Ireland for sometime; as long as I can remember anyway. You would think that given the state of the world that people would learn to look past their religious differences and accept one another for who they are and not what they are. It's just getting old. Religious wars and rivalries have been going on since the beginning of time it seems. The world has evolved a lot in that time but judging by news in some parts of the world, it hasn't evolved enough. Two weeks ago a 15 year old boy was beaten to death by 6 other kids because he was Catholic. Here's the story if you want to read it.Why? It's so senseless. No act of murder really makes sense unless maybe it's in self defense or something to that effect but when it's over something like that it's just stupid. It's about as stupid as someone being killed for the shoes they're wearing or because they talked to someone they weren't supposed to. It's really sad that people can't get over their differences and just learn to get along. I know that's being naive and if everyone did that then we would live in a Utopia but it's a nice thought. I would hope that someday soon people would wise up and realize that killing someone solves nothing.

On a brighter note I watched "Elizabethtown" yesterday and it was a really good movie. I don't know why it did so bad. I mean some of it was a little strange but all in all it was good. I would go to the movies and watch it. The reason I don't go to the movies often is because I can't afford to or I don't want to go by myself. I don't like going to the movies alone and my friends don't always want to see some of the movies that I want and vice versa. I'm not a huge Kirsten Dunst fan but she was really good in the movie. Usually I like her or hate her in a movie. Orlando Bloom was good too as was Susan Sarandon. There is one part in there that is hilarious and it involves a paper mache bird. If you watch it you'll know what I'm talking about. I about died when that part came up. It was good though so if you have the chance you should definitely watch it.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Instead of actually watching the President speak last night, I opted to read about it this morning. For once he seems to have a pretty good idea of what to do to secure the borders. However I don't think that using the National Guard is a good idea. They are overextended enough...I just think it would be wise to use some other form of security. I don't know what that could or would be but something other than the National Guard. It is so hard for me to say that I like anything he said but I did like that he plans to offer citizenship to illegals that have been here 5 years or longer. Those who choose to stay would have to pay a fine, back taxes, and learn English. I think thats a step in the right direction. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the Temporary Worker Program either. It doesn't seem fair. Yes it gives immigrants the option to work legally but it feels like we're using them to me. Not that they weren't being used and exploited before this was put into place; they were, probably more than most people think. Most immigrants whether they're legal or not are here to work. They want to make a good living and live the American dream. That's why most of us are here...our ancestors wanted something better for themselves and future generations. If they didn't America wouldn't be what it is: a nation built on immigration. I don't think putting troops along the border is really going to solve anything. Thousands of people each year try to cross; some make it and some don't. Those who don't are sent back or they die enroute. The border with Mexico isn't the only way immigrants come in either. They fly in with temporary visas or forged documents and they disappear into the American landscape. So something has to be done about that to and I didn't hear anything about it at all. I know the vast majority comes from the U.S.-Mexican border but there should be tougher screening processes and all that. I've never travelled out of the country so I don't know how hard it is to get around outside of my little bubble. All I know is that I need a passport to get where I want to go and I have to pass through customs. Other than that I'm ignorant to what it's like to travel from one country to another. Do other countries militarize their borders? (I know Bush said it's not militarizing our border but to me it is. National Guard is military in my eyes I could be wrong though)

There is also the budget issue. The War in Iraq and the "War on Terror" is costing us billions. Where are we going to get the money to pay for this new border patrol? Yeah I think it's important to protect ourselves but we are already going to be paying for the wars for years to come. I don't see how the effort is going to be funded. That wasn't addressed at all.

Maybe I'm just looking for faults in his plans. I don't's hard to trust a President that's let us down in the past. I guess it's just a waiting game to see what happens.

Monday, May 15, 2006

School's Done

Well for this semester anyway. It wasn't the best semester I've had considering I had to drop one of my classes but other than that it was fine. I wound up getting an A in Cultural Anthropology. I was pretty happy about that. I aced the final term paper getting a 49/ didn't see that coming since I forgot I had to write it til the last minute. I tend to work better under pressure though. Don't know if that is necessarily a good thing. Now all I have to do it figure out what I'm going to take next semester. I should meet with my counselor sometime soon to discuss the next step. I'm hoping that I'll be done with all this soon so that I can go to a 4 year college to get my bachelors and who knows maybe my masters. That would be wild if I got that far. I want to get that far so as long as I put my mind to it, I think I can get it done.

Friday wasn't too bad. We got to Fell's at about 8 and were there until 1:30. I couldn't wait to get home. I was so tired. Amy had a good time and that's all that matters. It was her birthday after all. I think everyone had a good time. I was a little bored but Mike was there to talk to so it wasn't too bad. We were the only 2 who were of sound mind. Everyone else should have been cut off long before but you can't tell people that sometimes. I'm just glad that everyone got home safe and all that. Saturday was pretty boring. I wanted to get my mom something for mothers day but I had to run a ton of errands for her so I couldn't get it done. That evening we went to Amanda's house like I usually do every Saturday. Maggie and Jason came along. I don't think it would be the best idea for them to go back for sometime. They get a little carried away and don't know when enough's enough. They both stayed at my house for the night. I went to bed long before they did. Sunday was as uneventful as they come. I was planning on making my mom breakfast and then going shopping for her but that didn't work out. My stepdad took her out and they were gone most of the day so tonight when I get home from work, I'm going to have to go shopping for her. I feel really bad for not being able to get her anything before hand but I just couldn't get out to get it. I did at least wish her a happy mothers day though.

I have no idea what is going on the rest of the week. I'm supposed to go see "The DaVinci Code" on Friday but I don't know if that's going to happen. Like I said Saturday is Zoe's birthday party and I promised Heidi that I would help her with it. I have to look around for some sort of cookie cutter for her. Other than that I have no idea what's going on. Longo graduates from Basic this week so Maggie is supposed to be going down there. I don't know how that's going to go. Should be interesting. I don't have to go thank goodness. I was supposed to go to Frankie's years ago but he told us the wrong time and we got there after the ceremony. It was a fun trip though. That was the first and last time I went to South Carolina. It was pretty nice down there. I'll never forget when we stopped in North Carolina the gas station cashier asked us if we were from New York. I don't know where she got that from but she said we sounded like we were from NY. Usually when I head up North, people ask us if we're from the South. I guess that's what happens when you're from the Mid-Atlantic. Strange stuff. I like accents though. It's always cool to hear a new one.

Friday, May 12, 2006


I don't have one solid thing to write about at the moment. Maybe as I go along I'll think of something. Tonight I'm going out with some friends....well I know 3 of them. I don't know who the rest are but that's ok with me. It's Dave's girlfriends 21st birthday so a group of us is going out. Should be interesting nonetheless. I'm n0t thrilled at staying out so late or being around Dave but I promised I would go. Dave's a weird guy. There are things he does that aren't good at all. I'm not going to get into it so I'll leave it at inappropriate. Maggie came home yesterday. Poor Maggie had to be in the car with Dave for hours...I felt bad for her. Next week is Longo's graduation from basic training. Something tells me that they aren't going to get married like they've been planning. Not to be a pessimist but I just don't think they're right for each other. If you saw them together you would say the same thing. Especially when he pulled the whole "I wanna go play with guns and shoot people" thing (joining the military). People have their reasons for joining the military but his reason was he didn't know what to do so he thought that playing with guns would be an interesting move...he was supposed to go into the police academy but that didn't work out so he went for the place that would take him...The Army. I just don't understand. Like I said some people have their reasons for joining like paying for college or wanting to protect our country..his weren't good.

It's going to be busy here the next couple weekends. Next weekend is Zoe's birthday and the weekend after that is the HFStival. I'm taking Gage along with me. That should be fun. He's a good kid so it should be fun. Lots of good music and all that so we'll see. It feels like May is just flying by. We had some nasty thunderstorms come through last night but we needed the rain. There was a tornado watch but that was cancelled at 10. I stayed up fairly late last night only because when I came home I fell asleep til 9:30. Not a good thing especially since I have to get up between 5 and 5:30. Oh well though. It's ok...I'll get over it.

Well nothing else is going on. I know it's boring...hopefully some good stuff will happen and I'll have better things to write about. I still have to get the pictures from the rally up on here. I keep forgetting it at home. I'll definitely do that next week.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Places I Want To Go

I couldn't think of anything else to write and I've been thinking about the different places I want to visit at some point in my life. So I decided to post about those places and why I want to go there. There are so many things out there in the world it's hard to pick just a handful of destinations to go. I like the work destination...because when I say it or read it I think "destiny" like I was always meant to go there. Ok so on to the places I want to go and they're in no particular order.

1.) The Mediterranean: Going to Greece has been a life-long dream of mine. I want to go to Athens to see the Parthenon and walk through the winding streets like people have been doing for thousands of years. I want to go to Santorini to see the black beaches. Rhodes is supposed to be gorgeous and so it Crete. I'd like to spend about 2 months there. I think it would take about that long to see all there is to see. Italy sounds interesting and beautiful as does Spain. I want to see some of the churches there. I have a thing for churches. They are so pretty it really kind of grounds you...well thats what happens with me. It makes me feel so small yet so big at the same time.

2.) Turkey: Turkey is technically in the Mediterranean but I thought it needed a little special attention. I know a lot of people don't want to go there but I think Turkey has a lot to offer. Troy for one was there and you can see the ruins if you like. Well they think they've found the ruins but they still aren't 100% sure it's Troy. Istanbul will definitely be interesting to see. That city has been so many things to so many people. It has such a rich history that it would be impossible to pass up going there. The old Byzantine churches that were turned into Mosques sound beautiful.

3.)All of Latin America: There is so much history down there all through out Central and South America. Peru has Machu Picchu....I'd have to see that. I don't know about getting up there. It doesn't sound safe but I still want to go up there. Brazil has the Amazon, Argentina the Patagonia, Cuba for seeing old Havana...everything down there sounds beautiful. I know there is a lot of political unrest but it wouldn't stop me from seeing the place

4.) South Africa: I just want to see it. I hear good things about it but there is just something about South Africa that makes me want to go there. I think it would be a good learning experience. I want to see how people grow up of my heroes was born there so I want to see where he comes from.

5.) Romania: I've been reading a lot about their culture and it's just fascinating. I remember someone told me years ago, a teacher, about traditional Romanian dress. Remember the Pied Piper of Hamlin? Well the story of course goes that he lead all the children away to some unknown place. They say that traditional Romanian dress is similar to what the Pied Piper wore and therefore passed it on to the children. Place names are also similar. Anyway there are a lot of theories about the Pied Piper but thats neither here nor there. Of course the Dracula legend was born there so that's another draw. They also have a large population of Gypsies there. I've been fascinated by Gypsies since I was a little girl. I don't know why I just have been. I know it's a little odd.

So there are just my top 5...I know it's kind of a cop out because I grouped a bunch of countries together by region but I didn't want to write them all out. I wrote enough as it is...maybe too much. There are scores of other places that I want to go. There are only two places in Asia that I really want to go to and that's Japan and Thailand. The rest I think I could live without. Actually the Asian countries are on the bottom of my list. I just was never interested in them. Well that's all for now...gotta get going.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Back to Work

Well I'm back to work. It's my first day back and it's like I haven't left. It kinda makes you feel good when people are glad to see you. It's a relief for me too. I hate being home all the time with nothing to do so I'm glad to be here. Nothing much else has been going on. I'm finished with school. I'm pretty sure I did ok. For my Anthropology class I had to write a term paper and I forgot. When I went to check in I saw that it was due on Tuesday morning. I checked in on Monday. So I had to watch the movie (luckily I got it a while ago) and wrote a 4 page term paper. It was supposed to be 3-5 pages so 4 is good enough. I think I did alright considering. Just goes to show ya that you need to check in more often. So I'm finished for now. I don't go back til the fall. I don't know what I'm going to take. I have to go to the school this evening to drop some papers off and file for a federal loan. I was supposed to get financial aid but that fell through. Unless something happens between now and then to say otherwise, I'm going to have to pay out of pocket or just use loans. I hate using loans. I don't like borrowing money from anyone especially the government. But if I want to get this done and over with, I'll have to suck it up and just do it. Next week is Zoe's birthday party. I can't believe she's going to be 5. I remember when she was a baby...she wasn't the cutest baby but once she grew into her head, she looked like Boo from Monsters, Inc. Now she's going to be going to school in the Fall. Where did the time go. It's really scary how fast time goes once you're out of high school. I saw Andy yesterday too....he's walking and he's got a mouth full of teeth. He's a smart kid too. I know everyone says the kids they know are smart but he really is. When you ask him where his nose is he points to it and says nose and he does that for a lot of his body. He says some other words too and he does something I've never seen any kid do. He just knows when it's time for bed. He'll finish his bottle, play on the floor, and when he's ready he points up to his room. Sarah takes him up and he goes right to sleep. I found that amazing. I've never heard of a kid that did that. It was so neat. He's so pleasant. I hope he stays that way. It would be a shame if he turned out to be a rotten kid ;)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

"One More Night"

I don't know about anyone else but there are things that scare you when you're a kid and you don't know why. My best friend was petrified of that song "The Rhythm Is Gonna Get You" when she was little. She didn't know what the rhythm was but she thought it was gonna get her. When I was a kid, my cousin used to go to this youth group called Sunbeams. It was at this Salvation Army church and it smelled funny. I had issues with preachers and stuff since I was little unless they were priests or nuns. I don't know why I just did....churches smelled funny to me.Anyway my cousin talked me into going even though I didn't want to. So the church lady came to pick us up and she was listening to Phil Collins on the radio. The song was "One More Night" and for some reason I started thinking that I would never see my mom again. I started crying hysterically for my mom...mind you I was like 8 I think. They finallly drove me back home and I had to explain that I thought that I was never going to see my mom again. For years I kept that to myself but I figured since I didn't have anything else to write about that I would write about that.
I did go to the rally for Darfur on Sunday. I couldn't stay the whole time but I got to hear Paul Rusesabagina, a couple holocause survivors, Al Sharpton, Russell Simmons, and scores more. It was very interesting. There were a lot of Sudanese people there. I'm going to write more about it sometime soon but I got to get the pics up on here. There are a couple that I took that were interesting.