Thursday, March 30, 2006


I know a lot of people have been talking about him lately and as a fan I will too. The first time I heard "King without a Crown" I was blown away. First of all I didn't know how to pronounce his name, second I thought he was from the Caribbean, he's from Brooklyn. When you first see him you kinda shrug because you don't know what to make of it (he has a full beard and wears clothes that are typically worn by Hasidic Jews.) At least that was my reaction. I wasn't sure I had the right person til I read on a bit. I think he's absolutely fantastic. From what I've been reading about him, a lot of people at first think he's a little gimmicky. I mean when you think about it it makes sense but he's the real thing. He blends reggae music with rock and hip-hop influences and lyrics that have a spiritual message. His faith does influence his work but it doesn't force it on the listener. It's just really really good. I would recommend it to anyone who likes Bob Marley and the Wailers. I've even got my stepdad to listen to him and he likes it. He was in town a couple weeks ago and the show was sold out. I really wanted to go. "Live at Stubb's", the first album I heard was amazing...I just wish I could have heard him live. You can hear the people in the audience cheering him on having a good time and it's just great. I like that someone has come along and has transcended musical boundaries and made it cool to sing music about faith. A lot of people don't like to hear stuff like that in their music but I think that maybe this guy could change it. I hope he's around for years to come. His new album "Youth" was released a little while ago and I've heard a couple songs off of it. It's just as good as "Live at Stubb's" and definitely worth the listen to. You can go to his myspace page here and listen to "King without a Crown" as well as "Youth" and watch the videos for both. I'm hoping that he comes back around because I definitely want to catch his show. If anyone has the chance to check him out live the should.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

At Least He's Got a Sense of Humor

I went to the local news website and saw a tagline that said 'Husband Moves To Roof To Get Kids Out Of Bedroom". I was like huh? So I read the story and about died laughing. It's happening in Michigan. The man moved to the roof to prove a point to his wife...he doesn't want their kids sleeping in the parents bedroom. How great is that? I just got a kick of can read more about it on his blog. There are some great photos on there of him with various signs as well as a link to sign his petition. I like reading stuff like this. Makes me laugh and who doesn't need that once in a while or all the time if you're me :)

One of my favorite shows is Scrubs although I haven't been watching it. Anyway I was reading about the show and some of the characters nicknames and one of them for Dr. Kelso is Beelzebob..his first name is Bob. Now every time I think about it, read it, or say it to myself I can't stop laughing. I haven't been watching much tv here lately...just been watching movies..nothing new really, just some of my favorites. I'm supposed to get some new ones this week but I'm not sure. I kept forgetting to put the movies in the mailbox so hopefully something will be coming...King Kong is on the list as well as a movie that I have to watch for one of my classes.

I came into work this morning and saw something weird on the edge. Now I work Downtown and yeah I know bats are just about everywhere but there was this tiny brown thing hanging out on the ledge. It was too cute. I'd never seen a bat that close before. I went out and tried to pick it up on the newspaper but it just sort of lifted a wing. (I didn't know it was a bat til it picked up its wing; I thought it was a mole) I was kind of scared because of rabies so I came in and got the facilities manager and he came out to take a look. He's up to date on his rabies vaccine so he was ok with picking it up. Once it rolled onto the manila folder it fully spread it's wings. I think there was something wrong with it but it was still cute. Anyway he put it in one of the bushes. I'm hoping it will be ok. So that was the highlight of my day so far.

Well thats all for the moment. I know it's a little haphazard and I jump around a lot but I thought it was a nice change to write about something interesting and fun rather than depressing :)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Strictly My Opinion

I'm going to weigh in on the immigration issue. I understand that we can't just let people over here whenever they want to come in. We do have to protect ourselves but consider this: This country was founded by immigrants. Many of our ancestors didn't apply for green cards or anything like that. I know times were different back then and the world didn't have to face some of the issues it's facing today but I'm just saying. I can't stand when people want to send people back to their own country. It sickens me to hear that. I saw a great cartoon a couple years ago and it was a white guy in a business suit talking to an Indian Chief about immigration. The white guy was saying that he wanted to send all the immigrants back to where they came from and the Indian Cheif was like yeah I wish you would all go back where you came from. Now that's not exact, it's been a couple years so it might not be as funny to anyone as it is to me because I can still see the cartoon in my head. I wish I could find it. Another thing I keep hearing people complain about is that there aren't enough jobs out there. They're right but it's not the immigrants fault. Look, many companies hire illegal immigrants because they want to save a buck. They're willing to work twice as hard for a fraction of the pay it would cost to hire and American. Is it the immigrants fault? No...try blaming the company for it. They're the ones doing the hiring. The immigrants most of the time are trying to make money to send back home so that their families can eat and have the bare necessities. I wish people would for once put themselves in the shoes of some of these illegals. Then maybe they would understand why they're here. Like I said I understand that something needs to be done about it. I think that maybe there should be some sort of program in place that would keep them here but legally. If you threaten them with going back home, no one is going to come forward and try to become a legal citizen. If you immigrated here 15 years ago and you had a job, a family, and paid your taxes and all that stuff, then the government comes knocking on your door and say you have to go back to that fair? I don't think so. Anyway I think we should seriously think about other alternatives rather than sending these people away with nothing. I know it's security issue...we don't want to let terrorists in and all that but most of the illegals aren't terrorists...they just want a job and a chance.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Yeah! George Mason

Ok well I don't watch basketball...just couldn't get into it but the talk of the sports world is the "Cinderella" story George Mason. I hate using "Cinderella Story" but this one truly is. All I've heard about all day is how they beat UCONN. Like I said I didn't watch it nor do I plan on watching it but like most people, I like to see the underdogs win. My sister goest to George Mason so I know she's all sorts of excited. I wouldn't be surprised if she watched the game yesterday...I haven't talked to her since then but I'm pretty sure she was planning on it. So we'll see what happens with them. Congrats to them for making it to the Final Four. No one thought it was possible and it has so it's great for them. Also making news in the sports world in my area is the story of 16 year old Kimmie Meissner. She's a local girl attending the high school about 10 minutes from my house. She won the World Championship over the weekend. I'm surprised they didn't throw her another parade. They did that when she came home from the Olympics where she finished a surprising 6th. No one thought she would get that far and now look at her. She upset the Silver Medalist and she plans on competing in the next Olympics. So Congrats to her as well. There are a lot of people here that are really proud of her.

Nothing much going on. Sam came by again. Not a good thing. Went out with Heidi on Saturday night. That was nice. A couple people from her neighborhood got together and decided to make a night of it. I think we're going to do that again although we're not going to go to the same place. It got old really quick...didn't get back to Heidi's til after 3 so I stayed the night. I didn't want to risk driving home that late and I was really tired. I got up at 8 and headed home. Good stuff. That was my weekend. Other than that just more of the usual. I started reading the other book for my Anthropology far it's pretty interesting. It's about a culture clash between Hmong natives and American dr's when it comes to the care of a little girl suffering from epilepsy. Very interesting to read about some of the traditions the Hmong follow. I'll probably read more this evening. Hopefully Sam won't come by ;)

Friday, March 24, 2006


I don't want to write about anything depressing...hence why I haven't written in a couple of days. Spring is here....well according to the calendar it is. It's pretty chilly out here but at least we didn't get the snow that some of the Midwestern states got. It's supposed to snow a bit tonight and tomorrow night but we'll see how that goes. I wish the weather would break already. I'm done with winter. I'm a spring and fall kinda girl. I like moderate temps...nothing too hot or too cold. Just in the middle is fine with me. Nothing new going on here...just more of the usual at the moment. Time seems to be dragging this week. I'm glad it's the weekend. I'm supposed to go out with some people tomorrow night but now that might not happen because my little cousin has the flu. Poor thing. I feel so bad for her. Everyone seems to be getting some sort of bug here lately. I haven't gotten in (knock on wood) and I want to keep it that way.

An old friend stopped by the house last night. I haven't seen Sam since December. Him and Frank came by back then for a bit to visit. They came by on Christmas but since my stepdad was in the hospital and we were with him all that day, we didn't know they were there. They used to come over all the time but when Frank and Jenn broke up, they stopped coming around so much even though Jenn moved and all that. I can sort of understand why Frank didn't want to come around much any more since I'm still friends with Jenn but you would think that he would be over it by now. It's been at least 3 years if not more since they broke up and she got married to Mike. To make a long story short, she cheated on Frank with Mike and wound up marrying Mike. Frank wasn't happy about it. I don't blame him. I don't know what she was thinking at the time but I guess things worked out for the better. Anyway Sam came by at around 8 or so and stayed til 11. We just sort of talked. He used to date my sister and when she was living there I know he didn't come around because her husband didn't like it. Anyway things are going well with him. He's still working and all that which is always good and things are going well for Frank too even though I didn't get to see Frank. I told him about Frankie going to Iraq. I haven't heard anything from Frankie in a while. I wish he would call me so that I know he's ok. I get nervous when I hear that there are more soldiers that were killed. I hope I hear from him soon...just so I know he's ok. The time difference is what kills it. When it's in the late afternoon and evening there, it's in the morning here so it's hard for him to actually get a hold of me at home since I work during the day. It's crazy. I suppose I could write to him but that would mean calling his mom and getting the address from her and I'm petrified of her. I shouldn't be by this time but I am even though she no longer thinks I'm a drug dealer. I'll have to write about that some other time. It's a funny story.

Well I've rambled on long enough.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

AIDS Epidemic

Just about everyone in the U.S. knows about HIV/AIDS and how it's transmitted, the treatment, etc. 2 things made me want to write about this today. One is an article I read yesterday concerning the number of children that have been orphaned by AIDS in Africa. The other is a "Watercooler Question of the Day" from a local television station.

First of all I want to address the number of children in Africa that have become orphans. The estimated number is 9 million! Can you believe that!? I know when I read it I couldn't. It's so sad considering we have information that can help these people understand transmission and treatment but they don't get the help they need. I know it's a completely different culture over there. Many of the tribes have several wives and all that but still there has to be something we could do to help them understand the danger they're putting themselves in...not only them but their children. The children are living in extreme poverty and little money gets to them so that they can go to school and become responsible adults. Instead they're taking care of sick relatives missing out on the things that kids shouldn't be missing out on. I know that several countries have pledged aid but pledging aid and actually giving it are two totally different things. You can say that you're going to give x amount of money to someone but something might happen and you're only able to give a fraction of it. The amount that is needed exceeds $2 billion. It's just so sad. Why isn't there a way for us to help them? Instead of spending 10 times that on a war, maybe we could donate what we would be spending on the war and give it to those who need our help.

The second thing that brought me to this was the "Watercooler Question of the Day": Should Gays be banned from donating blood? My opinion is absolutely not. I'm a straight person who knows quite a few gay people and they're not infected with anything. I know a few straight people that are. There is no reason whatsoever that makes their blood any different than the rest of us. I was reading what some of the people were e-mailing in and most of them were against a ban but there were a few in there that were all for it. There are always a couple wackos in the bunch. Their reasoning was that the "gay" blood might have disease and that it could be given to someone and they would get a disease like HIV. (Among the responses that was the disease most mentioned) I thought we got past this whole gay plague thing 20 years ago. One fellow on there actually went and looked at the CDC website and found that there are only 4000 fewer cases of HIV infection seperating heterosexual and homosexuals. Thats close. I had to give that guy kudos for that. Who's to say that a straight person wasn't just as likely to transmit a disease than a gay one? It just seems a little backward to me you know? There are plenty of monogomous gay couples out there that don't have HIV/AIDS just like there are a lot of polygamous straight people out there. It seems just as likely to me that a straight person might transmit something via blood as a gay person. It just seems so stupid to me.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Anniversary of Iraq War

I feel like I'm beating a dead horse but it can't be helped. I know people are tired of hearing about it....I know I am but today marks the 3rd anniversary of the United States led invasion of Iraq, spawning the Iraq War. This is very's been almost 3 years since Bush declared "mission accomplished". Ummm...if the mission was accomplished, would we still be there? I don't think so. Now it seems as though Iraq is heading toward civil war. Who didn't see that coming? When you invade a country and totally turn in upside down, yeah people are going to have a hard time adjusting especially if they don't want to adjust in the first place. More and more people are now realizing that this war was a bad idea...democrats who voted for it are now changing their minds and so are a few republicans. If only they would have listened to the people that were against it in the first place. I wish we could go back and change what's happened since then but obviously thats not an option. Soldiers continue to die whether it be from roadside bombs, suicide bombers, or accidents...they are still dying for what? The freedom of a people? I don't think these people are anymore free than they were 3 years ago. Yeah Sadaam isn't there but what else has changed? As far as I know nothing much. If anything there is more violence there now than before. It's a scary thought that things could get worse...who knows where this is leading to but something should be done about it.

There have been protests all weekend and today as well. The news is saying that there aren't as many protesters out there as there were in the past but the thing is that there are some out there. If I could be out there right now with them I would be but unfortunately my job doesn't allow me time off for attending protests. I went to one right before the invasion back in January of 2003 and it was definitely an eye opening experience. I think its probably one of the most important things I've ever done and witnessed. I can only hope that I have another opportunity to do it again. I'm sure considering where this war is heading I think I will. It's a sad thing that soldiers are dying for no reason but what is even more sad is that there are infinitely more dead Iraqi civilians. I think the estimate that Bush said was 30,000! Thats just not right. We supposedly went over there to help these people but instead we're either killing them or watching them get killed. It makes me sick to my stomach to know that all this is going on. I don't care what anyone says and I've said it before but this is definitely turning out to be another Vietnam whether the American people and the rest of the world want to admit it or not. We're seeing much of the same things we saw back then. And like Vietnam, more and more soldiers are stepping up and saying "Hey this is wrong. We shouldn't be there". We don't have as many casualites now as we did back then but how we fight has changed alot in the 30+ years since Vietnam. It's disgusting to know that all this could have been prevented but nothing was done. Yeah I know all about the faulty information that we received but thats still no excuse. We shouldn't have been so hasty in wanting to invade another country. We should have asked more questions and demanded answers. Something more should have been done to prevent this and so far people aren't making enough noise to tell the powers that be that we aren't happy.

Opinion polls won't make then change their mind. People have to get out there and show them that we need to be out of Iraq. People need to call their Congressmen and Senators...write if you have to. You might get 10 replies back that just tell you why they voted for it and why we should still be there but if you're persistant, something might might not too but at least you did your part. Thats what it's about. Making yourself known and telling them what you think and feel about the situation. Politicians are a dirty bunch...nothing is going to change that but make them work for you. After all thats what they're there for. They aren't there just for decoration. They make decisions that affect you everyday. Make them earn their money.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Panic! At the Disco

First of all Happy Saint Patrick's Day! I know it's a crazy name for a band but it gets your attention doesn't it? I can't remember if I've ever said anything about them but they are a decent band. I say decent because these kids are just out of high school....meaning that they're still teenagers! Gosh, that makes me feel old. I purchased their album via iTunes some time ago and I have to say they're great. I had no idea they were so young. If you like Fall Out Boy then you'll probably like them....considering they got their start from Pete Wentz of F.O.B. There is profanity throughout the album but not to the point where you start rolling your eyes wondering if these people know any other words that would get the point across. An interesting thing about their album, "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out" is that there is an introduction and an intermission...almost like a movie would. If you keep that in mind, you can imagine that the album plays like a movie. It's just good. I wish there were more cd's out there that were as well put together like this one is. You can see the video for one of their songs "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" here. I like the concept of the just fits the song so well...of course this is just my opinion and others might not feel this way about it but I'm not them. Anyway they're good and they contrary to what anyone might think they aren't Fall Out Boy (the voices of Patrick Stump and Brendan Urie are similar). Anyway I think they're good and worth a listen. I've been listening it on and off for a bit now but this week I've been listening to them almost constantly..when I can listen anyway. Some of the subject matter in the song is something that will definitely appeal to teenagers and "emo" kids but I think they could have a greater appeal to people that listen to electronic music as well as people who like pop-punk. I hate using the classification pop-punk but I don't know how else to describe it. If you like Fall Out Boy and Jimmy Eat World...then you'll probably like them.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


I know it seems like a lot of what I'm writing is depressing and I don't mean it to be at all. There is just a lot of stuff going on that I didn't know about and it surprises me how disconnected I am from whats going on around me. I thought I was "informed"; apparently not. I remember reading an article about Paul McCartney and his wife spending time in Canada with seals protesting a seal hunt. Once again I'm not a tree hugger but seriously...killing seals? Why? Other than the fact that they are super cute, they are also suffering because of global warming. Because of melting ice, 1,500 baby seals died...they drowned because they were too young to swim and didn't have anywhere else to go. It's very upsetting. How can someone kill a poor defenseless seal? Yeah I've seen them hold their own on the Discovery channel but really? Who are they hurting by being there? As far as I know they aren't any sort of threat to humans or other species. If anything they are preyed upon by us as well as other animals. I just don't understand it. Once again we know what happens when the environment is tampered with so why are they allowing this? It seems like we are regressing in environmental awareness. I can remember back in elementary school talking about endangered species and why we should protect them...why is it that now we don't hear much about it unless Greenpeace or some celebrity makes it known? Shouldn't we know whats going on and who and what is being effected? Yeah I know there are more "important" issues we need to deal with like war and economy but these are animals we're talking about. It probably wouldn't be as easy to take up this cause if it was say some sort of nasty insect or something like that but if they're important which I think they are, shouldn't some sort of conservation take place to help them thrive? Do we really want our legacy to our children to be a few animals in a zoo? (Once again I'm sounding a bit preachy and I don't mean to be but this is just wrong)

Monday, March 13, 2006

Big Problem

I just read an article for my anthropology class dealing with pygmies in the Congo. When I read this article it made me so sad. These people are going to give up their ancestral land to logging companies because they need soap and salt. How horrible is that? The chief of the Pygmies did make a valid point saying that soap and salt are a necessity for them but it just doesn't seem right. Considering we know what happens when logging can go too far, we should be doing something about this by giving them some sort of alternative. It just doesn't seem fair. We know how important the rainforests are to the earth and to us whether we like to admit it or not...why can't a logging company see that? I know That's what it comes down to and thats just sad. You would think in this day and age that we would find some kind of alternative to wood. Yeah it looks nice in your home and it's sturdy but consider how many trees it took to make that piece of furniture. I'm not what you would call a tree hugger. But when it comes to stuff like this I am. It makes me so angry to know that there are other ways of making things other than wood and we still don't use them. They might not look as nice but hey you can make them look like wood. I don't's just sad to me. We are really making a mess of the Earth and we've been doing it for so long that if we keep it up it's just going to keep going downhill. Yeah I know this sounds preachy and I don't intend it to be but I can't help it. It's just not right. Not only is this an issue of protecting the earth and the people in it but the Pygmies aren't to be forgotten. They're only doing what they feel is necessary to live. They don't see any other way of getting the things they need. They will lose something much more precious than mere trees, they will be losing THEIR land. The land they've lived on for years and years. It's part of their culture and history. That's something else that should be considered. It not fair that they have to give something up for something as basic as salt and soap.

Friday, March 10, 2006

GWB Approval and Happy Birthday Professor!

I just read that Bush's approval rating is down to a new low and even Republicans are worried. Could this be a sign of change? I sure hope so. Finally Americans are wising up to what good ol' George is all about. Too bad it comes at a point where it doesn't matter for him...however it matters to the GOP. They aren't happy with him either. Smells like change to me! Here in my state there are some important elections going on: a gubernatorial one and one for a Senate seat. Considering how things are looking for GWB, I think that Governor Ehrlich is on his way out too. He's a strong supporter of GWB and people in this state haven't been too thrilled with his job performance either. He's not doing much for the environment among other things like pushing for slots. I don't care it you gamble but why place such a high priority on slots when there are other things that need attention like the state education system. Another one a lot of states are struggling with is gay marriage. Why are people so hell bent on depriving other people rights? I just don't get it. If they are two people in love and want to make a commitment to each other than why deprive them of that? There are more pressing matters that affect all of us. I would say to politicians that they need to prioritize. Back to GWB though. Considering the mess that is Iraq, I can see a lot of people voting the other way when it comes to elections this time around. They say that when it comes to mid term elections and all that stuff, people tend to look at parties not the people running. So maybe we're heading for a change and a good one at that. I can only hope.

(Yeah I'm a geek what of it?) Today is the birthday of Professor Remus J. Lupin of the Harry Potter series. He and Sirius are my favorite characters throughout the series. One of the reasons, he is a favorite of mine is that he's probably the kindest character aside from Dumbledore. He does his best to treat all of his students equally and tried to bring out the best in them. He's also somewhat of an uncle to Harry. He was best friends with Harry's father, James, while they were at school. For those of you who don't know, Professor Lupin was Harry's Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in his third year. He has a relatively small part throughout the rest of the series so far but he still is one of my favs. He's very complex and you have to have infinite sympathy for him. He's a werewolf. He was bitten as a child and considering there is no cure for werewolf bites, he became a werewolf. Of course people don't like him because of that; like it's his fault he was bitten. So he is often portrayed as having very shappy clothes because he can't afford new ones. No one wants to hire a werewolf.

Considering what happened in the last 2 books I think that Professor Lupin is going to become more of a father figure to Harry. I'm hoping that in the 7th and final book that he has a bigger part. I have no idea where the book is going to take us but I hope she finishes it soon. It seems like it should be out already but I don't think she's even finished it yet. I hope by this time next year that there is a release date for it. I don't want the books to end but I know they have to and I can't wait to see what happens with it. I know it's silly considering my age but if you just read the books you would understand the draw. For those who think the books are evil, I would suggest that you read them. Yes there is witchcraft in there but it's not the witchcraft you think and there is a difference between good and evil...kinda like the Wizard of Oz where you had a good witch and a bad witch. Anyway I stray from my topic. Happy Birthday, Professor Lupin.

*Oh yeah and Happy Birthday to Chuck Norris too. I didn't think he was as old as he is. Must be the beard. Sorry for the long post. I didn't want to write two posts in one day so I combined them.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

"Right Now"

So I've been listening to a lot of music here lately both old and new. I just set the iPod to shuffle and I forgot that I had "Right Now" by Van Halen (Hagar). I really like this song but I couldn't help but think of a soft drink. Remember back when that song came out they licensed it to Pepsi and Pepsi used it to push Crystal Pepsi. I think that Crystal Pepsi was probably one of the most terrible things I have tasted in my life. It tasted like sugar syup that had a little fizz to it. I just keep getting flashes of either the commercial or the video in my head. How horrible was Crystal Pepsi! It was just bad...but this brings me to my question. Why license a song to a company especially when they use it to push a crappy product? True that sometimes they don't know how the product is going to test and sometimes it does work and gets the musician/s recognition therefore upping sales for both the company that used the song and the person that wrote/performed the song. I'm just saying that if you're going to license one of your songs to a company, make sure the product is good. Another thing is that the content of the song kinda has nothing to do with the product. The song is about living in the moment not trying a clear caffiene-free soda. The song is doubt about that but now since it was attached to a truly terrible product, people around my age or people who are old enough to remember Crystal Pepsi will forever equate "Right Now" with Crystal Pepsi. It was just a bad choice. Anyway I just thought I would put my 2 cents in on that. I can't help it...I love the song but I just can't get the taste of Crystal Pepsi out of my mouth. What do you think they did with all the Crystal Pepsi they didn't sell? Do they have it in some sort of stock room? Did they give it to some poor unsuspecting people? I bet you get some real cash for that on eBay.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Good Music

There seems to have been an absence of good rock music here lately. There are a few that are good but nothing that actually sticks out in my mind. Now when I say rock music I mean heavy guitar, bass, drums, and vocals. So what I've been listening to lately is Shinedown. Last year they had a hit with "45" and then they covered Lynyrd Skynard's "Simple Man". They had another song last year that I didn't hear as much as the other 2: "Burning Bright". "45" is a great song...I never get tired of listening to it and they definitely did justice with "Simple Man" and I'm not much of a Skynyrd fan. This year I've heard 2 songs from their current album and let me say....they are fantastic. "Save Me" and "I Dare You" are really really really good. "I Dare You" is my personal favorite of the two because I'm a silly sentimental girl and it's sort of a sappy me it is anyway. You can see someone saying the lyrics. Its really amazing. I just can't tell you enough how good they are. The lyrics to "Save Me" are extremely vivid. You can actually see what he's singing about when you listen to the song. Not too many songs can do that...not anymore anyway. I think they're probably the best band out there at the moment as far as good old hard rock goes. I like them a lot. I haven't listened to either album all the way through but I fully intend to. It took me forever to figure out who they were. Every time I heard them on the radio I missed who they were and when I finally figured it out I downloaded a couple of the songs on to my iPod. I think I'm going to have to get a new one here soon. It's filling up slowly but surely. I'm sure as I remember songs I'll keep putting them on there and all that. But anyway....Shinedown. They are really really good and everyone should give them a listen. If you don't care for profanity in music as far as I know there aren't any bad words in the songs I listed above. I know there are some people out there that are sensitive about stuff like. Anyway listen to them I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Chuck Norris

I don't know what the obsession with Chuck Norris is or why it began but it's pretty darn funny if you ask me. A while back, Lance posted a skit on SNL that had to do with Chuck Norris....that was hilarious. Another place the Chuck Norris has popped up is on the Ultimate Showdown. Not only is Chuck in there but a slew of others. It's really funny. I've watched it a couple times and it gets funnier every time I watch it. You always find someone new in it that you didn't notice before. There is also a website devoted to bringing you Random Chuck Norris Facts. Also on the site are two other "fact" pages; one for Vin Diesel and one for Mr. T. My personal favorite is "If Chuck Norris did a roundhouse kick and Mr. T pitied the fool at the same time, the world would implode". I LOVE that! Some of the "facts" aren't that funny but if you register, you can rate them. I want to submit one but I have to wait til I'm activated. Anyway if you need a good laugh I think that would be the place to go. That or the Ultimate Showdown.