Coretta Scott King 4/27/27-1/31/06
One of the teachers made this bulletin board of important people from around the world, most of them were American though, but anyway she was on there. I can't remember the exact little blurb on there but it basically said what I stated above. Also pictured were Helen Keller, Sally Ride, Cesar Chavez, Martin Luther King (of course), Christa McAuliffe, and Yuri Gagarin and Valentina Tereshkova among many others. I always found myself staring at Coretta Scott King though. I always admired what her husband did and it saddened me that someone took his life when he was all about peaceful resistance. And I thought how great a human being she must be to raise 4 children on her own but also take up her husbands work and continue it for the rest of her life.
She is someone I would hope my future kids would look up to and hope that they would also feel compelled to fight against social injustice. She was a truly great person and the world will miss her....I will miss her. She is someone that I wanted to model my life after and now that she's gone it makes me want to work even harder for things that I feel are important not just to me but to all people. I'm almost at a loss for words right's taking a lot for me to write this. I feel like someone close to me just died even though I never met her. I'm a little teary right now. I know it may seem like I'm over-reacting and perhaps I am. I just can't imagine the world without her. She had a profound impact on my life. I don't think there are a lot of people in my generation that had anyone to look up to that was still alive. She was it for's kinda like when you think that someone is always going to be around. You know that death has to come for everyone but somehow you don't think its going to happen to that one person whether it be a relative or friend. Today people don't have a lot of leaders to look up to and now the world is a little emptier now that she's gone. I can only hope that someone will "pick up the torch" and carry on the good work that her and her husband accomplished over the years.
Speaking of Christa McAuliffe...over the weekend was the 20th anniversary of the Challenger explosion. I swear it doesn't feel like it was 20 years ago. I can remember watching what happened that day like it was yesterday. I think most people my age and older can remember watching that. I remember the funerals as well....especially Christa McAuliffe's. We watched it in school and I remember her coffin. I remember there was a red apple on it...the umofficial symbol of teachers. I remember some of her students talking about her and how much they were going to miss her. It was a very sad day indeed.
Tonight is also the State of the Union address. I, for one, will be watching it to see exactly where Bush seems to be standing on certain issues.....the big one other than the "War on Terror" and the war in Iraq is healthcare. This nation is in a crisis in more ways than one. I think we need to hear what he has to say for himself and what if anything he plans to do. I have a feeling I'm going to be going to bed a little more saddened than I would have given the news today. This country is in the proverbial crapper and I'm not trying to sound unpatriotic or whatever. I think that this country is a great country....we have a lot of opportunities that other countries don't have. But I think we are in a downward spiral at the moment. Things seem to be getting progressively worse and as of right now, not to sound pessimistic, it doesn't look like it's going to get any better.