Friday, November 24, 2006

Pics of Keela

Well here are the pics of my dog...She's so cute. My sister came up for Thanksgiving and she didn't think she was cute at all. I guess it's because she doesn't care for boxers but I think she's a pretty dog.

As you can see we need to replace the carpet and the door. The door has been a scratching post of the years.
Well those are the pics...she had a great first Thanksgiving. My sister, the one who thought she was ugly, actually warmed up to her and let her sleep in the bed with her. Her fiance thought she was a pretty dog.

Sunday, November 19, 2006


Keela is my dog. I just got her yesterday...she's a boxer/pit bull mix. She's probably one of the sweetest dogs I've ever met in my life. She's 3 years old and if we didn't adopt her, they would have put her down because she was a return. The people that adopted her before returned her because they got a puppy. Too bad for them because she really is a good dog even if she rolled around in dog poo 10 minutes after I got her groomed and if she chewed through her leash. She's still getting used to us and all that. I'm going to post some pictures of her later this week. She's an awesome dog though. She's pathetic :) She's passed out on my bed right now. Too cute :)

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Ethical Question

Ok so here best friend has a sister who no one really likes. I know that sounds mean but there are a million reasons why they don't but they still love her. I don't particularly care for her myself but I don't have to deal with her. She has this fantastic boyfriend who puts up with her crap and we don't know why. She is on birth control for many being she has a 6 year old, another being that right now they can't afford it. So she's decided to go off birth control for 2 weeks to see if she gets pregnant WITHOUT telling her boyfriend who God Bless him knows that to have a kid right now isn't a good idea. Now does that seem right to you? I can't tell anyone I know about this because I'm not supposed to know. I'm really hoping that she doesn't get pregnant. She is outright lying to someone she's supposed to love and care about. And what if she did get pregnant? How can she live with knowing that she basically tricked her boyfriend into fatherhood? He's already a great dad to her child, I don't know too many guys that would be as good to a child that isn't their own as he is to hers. It's just a bad situation. I'm really hoping that she has a change of heart and decides that being deceitful isn't the way to go. What if he found out that she got pregnant on purpose? I mean I don't think he'd disregard the child but it would definitely change his relationship with her. It's just crazy. I wish there was a way I could warn him. I don't want to see him get hurt like that. It's just not cool at all. Sorry that's been bothering me since last night and I had to vent.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Birthday Weekend

Friday night I had the best time. I had actually had a pretty bad day. With my mom on short term disability I have to do her work which has piled up for the past month or so. So I was trying to get that done and I had a test as well as some chapter questions that I needed to finish for history. My stepdad also received some bad news Friday. A while back they said that his heart was working at 32% which isn't good. They wanted to put a difibrulator in in case his heart stopped. Before they went that route they wanted to try a different approach. They upped the dosage of one of this medications in hopes of strengthening his heart. It didn't work. It actually decreased it by 1% so sometime this week we'll know when he goes in to have it done. I'm hoping a praying for the best. He'll only be there over night which is a plus but still it's nerve racking. I know he wasn't happy about it at all. I wish there was something I could do for him. I mean he's young (mid 50's) and it's really not his fault all this crap is happening with him. I don't know what else to do you know and the holidays are approaching which are always super stressful and his job isn't helping him out as far as that goes either. I think I'm going to see if there's a way he can go on disability. He really should because he could literally drop dead at any you know how scary that reality must be for him? And his employers just put him back on service calls which he wasn't too happy about either. He really shouldn't be doing everything he's been doing but he feels he has to in order to pay the bills. It doesn't seem fair.
I texted (sp) Keith to see what he was doing Friday because I needed to decompress. We were just going to hang out go have a drink or something but he called a couple minutes later and asked if it was ok he invited Devin and her boyfriend. Devin is his daughter...she's a great kid. I didn't mind at all...actually it was a lot of fun. So we went to the Olive Tree and they ate dinner and all that. I had eaten by that time so I just drank some diet coke. I had a blast though. They're just so much fun to hang out with.

My birthday was uneventful....I wouldn't have had it any other way. I was supposed to go to the movies with Keith but he forgot and made plans to play cards with some friends of his. I'm not much of a card player but I hung out for a little while anyway. My dad forgot my birthday but I'm alright with that. I understand it's hard for him to remember especially since both of my sisters birthdays as well as mine are within a month of each other. He forgot Ali's too and I'd bet money that he forgets Amanda's as well. I spent most of the day at Amanda's trying to fix her computer. I am by no means a computer person...I know enough to get by but they were having problems with stuff that I was having problems with so I knew what to do to fix it. Bill was over that day too...I hadn't seen him in quite some time. He's now working with Claude; something he'd been trying to get into for quite some time. He got me a birthday card which I thought was super sweet. He didn't have to do that...I didn't even think he knew it was my birthday. Amanda must have mentioned it or something. I'll have to keep in mind that next week is his birthday so that I can reciprocate the gesture. It was really nice of him. It sort of made my birthday. He's the only person that got me a card.

Yesterday was about the same as Saturday...I was at Amanda's a good part of the day. I ran errands for my mom and my stepdad and went back to Amanda's to help her setup a couple things on the computer. I was going to watch the Ravens game with Keith but he stayed up til well past 5am that day and slept right through it so I had to settle on listening to it on the radio since I was out and about. We won! Yay! I thought we were going to lose. It wasn't looking good for us but we pulled out a win 27-26. Next week it's the Ravens v. Falcons (Lance's favorite team). I don't know how well we'll fare against them...they're doing really well despite the loss yesterday. Tonight I'm going to dinner with Jenn. I'm leaving as soon as I get home. I think I'm going to take a day off this week. I have plenty of time built up so why the heck not! I need to get some cleaning done and all that in preparation for the holiday next week. I have a ton of homework once again this week...It doesn't seem to end!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Day!

Today is Election Day! I fully intend upon voting. It's something that I think is very special and should be treated that way. For one I'm female and women in this country fought long and hard to garner this right and to not take full advantage of it is like spitting on the trials and tribulations they faced in the fight. Voting is something everyone should do. Yes I know that people think that it doesn't matter but it does. Not everyone in the world has this opportunity and at least you can say hey I did my part. The rest is up to the people even if there have been time when elections have been rigged*cough, cough*2000*cough*cough But in any case it's a right not afforded to all people around the world. Here we can say that we did our part. We made our voice heard. (Ewww I think I just made myself sick with all that "patriotism") Anyway I just feel that everyone should do it. We have an opportunity to change the government and hold those in charge accountable for the current situations facing our country. This is an extremely important election in most states, mine included. There is a lot of potential for change. I just hope that others plan on taking advantage of it like me :) If you can get out, vote!

Monday, November 06, 2006

The Coming Week

There have been a couple changes in the past week and I think that all of them are for the better. Mom has agreed to seek some other form of treatment...truth be told I don't know what that means exactly. I haven't had a chance to talk to my stepdad about all that happened the last few days of last week. I had a lot of school work to do and he was working a lot (he's in heating and air conditioning so needless to say this is his busy time) so we haven't really seen much of each other. Friday night I went to Keith's house for dinner even though I didn't eat. Devin was over there too which was good...she's a good kid. I think she just needs a little bit of guidance. Anyway I hung out with them and watched "Master of Disguise". It was a stupid movie but funny. I probably wouldn't watch it again but it was alright I suppose. Then we played a bit of pool and we took Devin home. Then we drove around for a while just chillin and all that stuff. After I dropped Keith off, I headed home. I was turning down one of the roads when I saw a car stopped. I rolled down the window and asked if the man was alright. He looked at me and said he was fine but then proceeded to yell "My gd son of a b***hing drunk ass teenage son just ran down the street taking his clothes off. I had to chuckle a little bit but not audibly. Apparently when he stopped for the stop sign, the kid jumped out of the car took off his shirt and ran up the street. No sooner did the man get that out of his mouth that a cop pulled up behind me. At that I left but as I was driving up the road, I saw his son and what I assume was his son's friend take off into the corn field at the sight of flashing lights. I couldn't help but laugh. I wouldn't want to be that kid right now...I'm sure he won't see the light of day for some time.

Saturday I did laundry...yeah I know that was super fun. Later that night I was supposed to go out with Keith but he's still fighting a cold so he decided to stay in. I can't say I blame him. So I took some vapor rub and "Benchwarmers" over so he had something to do. I stuck around for a while not intentionally and then headed to my cousins house. I hung out with the kids for a couple minutes til they went to bed and then we watched a couple episodes of Da Ali G show. That show is probably one of the funniest shows I've ever seen. I don't have HBO so I've never had a chance to watch it. After that we watched Wanda Sykes Sick and Tired. I love her. She's probably one of my favorite comedians in the world. That was a good time. Sunday I stuck around the house and watched the Ravens game....we won 26-20 so we're at the top of the AFC North which feels awesome! Our record for the season is now 6-2. Sure it would be nice to be undefeated but you can't have everything. It was a great game though.

This week is going to be rough. One bit of good news is that since the test scores for that math test I bombed were so low, that the teacher is allowing retests! I'll definitely be more prepared this time. I'll make sure to practive everything I can. I'm so glad she's allowing that. Maybe she realized how hard the test was and that most of it was from the first chapter which I think most people, myself included, assumed there would be more on the later chapters since the beginning was pretty much review. This week is busy though because I have a test in science, history, religion, and math. I think I'll do alright as long as I manage my time better. Hopefully I can get it done this week. I still have quite a bit of reading to get done so we'll see. Saturday is my birthday. So far it's going to be me and Keith going out. I don't know what we'll wind up doing but it'll be fun. I think that Jenn wants to do lunch that day but other than that I don't know what I'm going to do. It's just another day really. I'm over it.

Well I've managed to bore myself so it's time to wrap this up.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Beware! Complaining

Halloween came and went...nothing good happened although nothing bad happened either. I just wound up staying home. It was boring. I can seem to get motivated this week. I'm starting to fall behind which is never a good thing. I just don't feel like doing the work which isn't like me. I think it's just the weather and everything else that's been going on at home with mom who is once again off the wagon. This might be mean spirited but I can't help it. I think she's using it as an excuse. I know that's mean but I'm not the only one who's saying it. I just think that if she really wanted the help she'd commit to it and not use her alcoholism as an excuse. I've about had it and I know my stepdad has too. She supposed to see the psychiatrist today. I know there is no quick fix to her problem...I know that but I know that if you want to get better then you'll do everything in your power to get the help you need to get better and I don't think she's doing that at all. This time of year is always a little scary. This is the time of year my stepdad always seems to have his heart problems and because of everything that's been happening with her, I don't think he's been taking care of himself and that worries me beyond belief. Then she complains that he's never home but he has to do extra work to keep up with the bills because she can't seem to work a full week without something happening whether it be a cold or the fac that she's drunk. I was so angry yesterday when I was on my way home. She called and asked me to pick her up a bottle of vodka. I told her I didn't have money on me which I didn't and she got all huffy. I called Mr. Mike and let him know and he said he'd call back...he did and asked me to pick her up a bottle anyway. That went against everything my mind is telling me to do you know? He said that he had picked her up one the night before but she can't seem to find it. I let him know that she was drunk going into work yesterday. He said that she wasn't when we left and I let him know she was. He can't smell very well but I can and she smelled like a brewery. And she was slurring her speech something fierce. He didn't seem to know. I can tell you that she didn't misplace that bottle that she drank it. I know she did. I would almost bet my life on it. I'm just done you know?

I was supposed to stop by my cousin's last night but wound up going home. Good thing I did because she had to take Morgan to the poor girl has strep but her fever was up to 105...that's never a good thing. But I lost it yesterday. All this stress isn't good for anyone involved. I just wish things would get better. It feels like there is something new going wrong everyday whether it be with school or work. It just seems like I'm getting my ass kicked every time I turn around. I know this is a lot of complaining but I don't have anywhere else to complain. My sisters don't have to deal with this stuff 24/7 like I do. They have separate lives away. I'm working on getting one myself but we'll see. I don't know. Things just have to change and change soon. I don't think they need to get worse than they are. I'm sorry once again for all the complaining. I'm trying to get some school work done but my head just isn't in it.