Sunday, November 19, 2006


Keela is my dog. I just got her yesterday...she's a boxer/pit bull mix. She's probably one of the sweetest dogs I've ever met in my life. She's 3 years old and if we didn't adopt her, they would have put her down because she was a return. The people that adopted her before returned her because they got a puppy. Too bad for them because she really is a good dog even if she rolled around in dog poo 10 minutes after I got her groomed and if she chewed through her leash. She's still getting used to us and all that. I'm going to post some pictures of her later this week. She's an awesome dog though. She's pathetic :) She's passed out on my bed right now. Too cute :)


Blogger athen said...


9:26 PM  
Blogger Lily said...

awww she sounds so cute. We just adpoted a dog from the town here for the same reason. I have some pictures of here I am going to post later as well. good luck with all your training and what :) I can't wait to see her pictures.

7:29 AM  

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