Thursday, November 16, 2006

Ethical Question

Ok so here best friend has a sister who no one really likes. I know that sounds mean but there are a million reasons why they don't but they still love her. I don't particularly care for her myself but I don't have to deal with her. She has this fantastic boyfriend who puts up with her crap and we don't know why. She is on birth control for many being she has a 6 year old, another being that right now they can't afford it. So she's decided to go off birth control for 2 weeks to see if she gets pregnant WITHOUT telling her boyfriend who God Bless him knows that to have a kid right now isn't a good idea. Now does that seem right to you? I can't tell anyone I know about this because I'm not supposed to know. I'm really hoping that she doesn't get pregnant. She is outright lying to someone she's supposed to love and care about. And what if she did get pregnant? How can she live with knowing that she basically tricked her boyfriend into fatherhood? He's already a great dad to her child, I don't know too many guys that would be as good to a child that isn't their own as he is to hers. It's just a bad situation. I'm really hoping that she has a change of heart and decides that being deceitful isn't the way to go. What if he found out that she got pregnant on purpose? I mean I don't think he'd disregard the child but it would definitely change his relationship with her. It's just crazy. I wish there was a way I could warn him. I don't want to see him get hurt like that. It's just not cool at all. Sorry that's been bothering me since last night and I had to vent.


Blogger athen said...

First of all, why were you up so early?

There is no way for you or anyone to interfere in this issue. Its their life and even though it may sound really wrong what your sister is about to do/do, we are basically just an outsider. Should you warn your sister's boyfriend? Yes and no. Yes, as you are his friend, and he is a great guy (according to what you said), but no, simply because she is your sister and this is her choice.

If I was you, I will definitely talk to her and make her see the outcomes/impacts of her decision.

Relationship is all about understanding and trust.If any of these two elements is missing, (in my perspective) that relationship is not worth all the hassles. A great love/relationship is build on these.

All I can say at this point is best of luck to your sister.

5:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, now that is a situation and a half. I agree that it is wrong for her to trick him like this. Especially if they can't afford another child. I am glad that he knows they aren't ready for another child but what she is doing is out right wrong.
I agree with Athen in some aspect that it is not your place to say or do anything, but at the same time I think that you should say something to him or try and talk her out of this horrific plan.
The only reason I think you should try and talk to one of them is because if she were to end up pregnant I think that you would feel really guilty about the whole sitiuation, and knowing what she had been up to.
I know a girl who did something like this, and my brother was having thoughts of breaking up with her and suddenly she ends up pregnant. I am not saying that your friends are having trouble like that, but it could be a possiblility, and maybe she senses that everything isn't going that well and this is her way of trying to get him to stay. (but like i said that is just a situation I am familar with and is not necessarily the case here)
Wow I never realized how long this to you later. Hope everything works its self out. :)

8:22 AM  

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