I read an article this morning that really pissed me off. Some kook down in Georgia is trying to get Harry Potter banned from the library. Ummm I thought there was such thing as freedom of speech in this country? Not only that but they stopped a plan to have spanish language fiction from being put in the library because they felt it supported illegal immigrants. How stupid is that. This is the kind of things that make me wonder about this country. Anyway this lady thinks that it condones witchcraft....has she read the books? Witchcraft really isn't a major theme of the books. It's about the struggle between good and evil. I wish these people would get a clue. This country is going to hell...I mean it's so sad. If you don't want your kids to read something or watch something then don't let them...it's up to you as a parent to instill values and morals and a sense of right and wrong. I'm just flabbergasted. I know this isn't the first time something like this has happened especially in recent years with the Harry Potter books. I don't understand peopel sometimes. It's so frustrating. These are the type of people that set us back hundreds of years. I think the fact that kids are reading is reason enough to let Harry Potter in the library. No one seems to mind the "Left Behind" series. I don't have a problem with it but there are people out there that do and you don't see them protesting having them in the library. It's all about freedom of speech. It can be a bitch sometimes but you have to take the good with the bad. I wish I could shake these people....wake them up to see that there are worse things around than Harry Potter. Take aim at the KKK or something like that. Not a book...a work of fiction. I have to give props to J.K. Rowling for not letting crap like this keep her from writing these fantastic books.
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