Monday, November 13, 2006

Birthday Weekend

Friday night I had the best time. I had actually had a pretty bad day. With my mom on short term disability I have to do her work which has piled up for the past month or so. So I was trying to get that done and I had a test as well as some chapter questions that I needed to finish for history. My stepdad also received some bad news Friday. A while back they said that his heart was working at 32% which isn't good. They wanted to put a difibrulator in in case his heart stopped. Before they went that route they wanted to try a different approach. They upped the dosage of one of this medications in hopes of strengthening his heart. It didn't work. It actually decreased it by 1% so sometime this week we'll know when he goes in to have it done. I'm hoping a praying for the best. He'll only be there over night which is a plus but still it's nerve racking. I know he wasn't happy about it at all. I wish there was something I could do for him. I mean he's young (mid 50's) and it's really not his fault all this crap is happening with him. I don't know what else to do you know and the holidays are approaching which are always super stressful and his job isn't helping him out as far as that goes either. I think I'm going to see if there's a way he can go on disability. He really should because he could literally drop dead at any you know how scary that reality must be for him? And his employers just put him back on service calls which he wasn't too happy about either. He really shouldn't be doing everything he's been doing but he feels he has to in order to pay the bills. It doesn't seem fair.
I texted (sp) Keith to see what he was doing Friday because I needed to decompress. We were just going to hang out go have a drink or something but he called a couple minutes later and asked if it was ok he invited Devin and her boyfriend. Devin is his daughter...she's a great kid. I didn't mind at all...actually it was a lot of fun. So we went to the Olive Tree and they ate dinner and all that. I had eaten by that time so I just drank some diet coke. I had a blast though. They're just so much fun to hang out with.

My birthday was uneventful....I wouldn't have had it any other way. I was supposed to go to the movies with Keith but he forgot and made plans to play cards with some friends of his. I'm not much of a card player but I hung out for a little while anyway. My dad forgot my birthday but I'm alright with that. I understand it's hard for him to remember especially since both of my sisters birthdays as well as mine are within a month of each other. He forgot Ali's too and I'd bet money that he forgets Amanda's as well. I spent most of the day at Amanda's trying to fix her computer. I am by no means a computer person...I know enough to get by but they were having problems with stuff that I was having problems with so I knew what to do to fix it. Bill was over that day too...I hadn't seen him in quite some time. He's now working with Claude; something he'd been trying to get into for quite some time. He got me a birthday card which I thought was super sweet. He didn't have to do that...I didn't even think he knew it was my birthday. Amanda must have mentioned it or something. I'll have to keep in mind that next week is his birthday so that I can reciprocate the gesture. It was really nice of him. It sort of made my birthday. He's the only person that got me a card.

Yesterday was about the same as Saturday...I was at Amanda's a good part of the day. I ran errands for my mom and my stepdad and went back to Amanda's to help her setup a couple things on the computer. I was going to watch the Ravens game with Keith but he stayed up til well past 5am that day and slept right through it so I had to settle on listening to it on the radio since I was out and about. We won! Yay! I thought we were going to lose. It wasn't looking good for us but we pulled out a win 27-26. Next week it's the Ravens v. Falcons (Lance's favorite team). I don't know how well we'll fare against them...they're doing really well despite the loss yesterday. Tonight I'm going to dinner with Jenn. I'm leaving as soon as I get home. I think I'm going to take a day off this week. I have plenty of time built up so why the heck not! I need to get some cleaning done and all that in preparation for the holiday next week. I have a ton of homework once again this week...It doesn't seem to end!


Blogger Lily said...

I'm sorry to hear about your stepdad. I really hope that everything turns out good. You are right he is too young to have to worry about heart problems like that. I hope that work and his heart problems all work out.
Happy Birthday! :)

12:20 PM  
Blogger athen said...

Sory to hear about what have been goin on in your life lately. As an outsider, all I can say is, hang in there. It will be better.

Happy Belated Birthday!

Good luck with the homeworks. The semester almost over.Thats all matter. And then, its Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!

4:09 PM  

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