Thursday, December 01, 2005

Long Week

I'm starting to feel like I haven't slept in years again. I'm sure this is because things are a little hectic at work, school, and home. But I'm thankful that I can keep busy right now. I don't want to be stuck sitting somewhere being bored to death. Well, at work I am for the most part but then when I get home I have a ton of stuff that I need to get done.

School will be over for the semester on the 13th. Thats when my math final is. I'm dreading that day for sure. I think he's giving us a review sheet though which will be great. I could really use it. I asked him how I was doing and he said that I have a solid B which for me is good in something I hate. Well I don't hate it I have a strong dislike for it. I will never again use algebra in my life unless my future kids ask me to help them. That's enough for me to keep up with it. I wish I had someone in my house that knew how to do algebra. I might not be where I am now if I had gotten a firm grasp on what it was all about. But thats in the past and there's no need to complain. At least I'm learning it and sort of understanding whats going on with it.

At home I'm still working on getting the house together for the holidays. I hung the stockings up last night and put the rest of the garland on the tree. I still need to get a tree skirt but my mom is being picky. No one cares about the tree skirt. No on really sees it. But they see the metal pole that is propping up the tree. I have cookies to bake and candy to make too. The candy will be made in 2 weeks. I'm going to have Morgan, Zoe, and Jeffery come over and do some so they can hand them out to their class. I thought that was a nice idea so that they didn't have to go out and buy things. They're going to make Christmas cards too. I should probably ask Heidi if their are kids in the class that might not celebrate Christmas and make the appropriate adjustments. It'll be a lot of fun though once it gets going.

My final paper is almost done. I have to add a couple things to it to make it longer but other than that its finished. I still have to catch up on the math homework. He gave us a take home quiz for this section which was great. I got a 93 on the last quiz. That really helped my grade a bit. I think I'm going to do the extra credit though just for insurance purposes.

Other than that nothing else is going on...the same old same old. Yesterday was my stepdad's birthday. I got him a digital camera for his birthday/Christmas present. He really liked it. He's already going around taking pictures of just about anything. I'm glad he's enjoying it though.

Well I got a lot more scanning to do so I better get with the going. One day the scanner will be "Office Space"-ed.


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