
Today I register for my spring classes. I can only take 2 but I really don't know what I want to take. I know I have to take a college math class. Depending on which one, I'm going to do it online. It's so much easier than going up to the college twice a week sitting through class. This way I can do it on my own. Then I have to take something else. I was thinking about cultural anthropology. I wanted to take physical anthropology with an introduction to archaeology but they only have that on fridays from 11-3 so I couldn't possibly take it. I already made the appointment with my counselor so everything is set. I'll know tonight what I'm going to be taking. I just hope they don't want payment right away. It costs me a whole paycheck and then some including books for me to go to school. I'm going to talk to my brother-in-law and ask him how to claim the money I've put out for school that way I get some of it back. I don't even want to think about taxes though. I'll probably do them online again this year. Last year it was so easy and fast I might as well do it. I love the internet. It allows you to do so much.
Thursday as everyone knows, is Thanksgiving. My sister and I are making dinner this year. That should be fun; if not fun then at least interesting. We can both cook fairly well. By no means are we Martha Stewart but we can make our way through a kitchen just fine. It should be a blast though. I already baked the pies. I only have one more to bake and thats a special one for my cousins. He wants a chocolate pumpkin pie. Sounds nasty to me but I'll do it for him. I promised him last year I would make him one with fresh pumpkin and never got around to it. Since I have plenty of fresh pumpkin this year, I'll make it for him so he'll leave me alone :) I think I'm going to take Zoe for the weekend. She's getting to Heidi and I always have a lot of fun with her. She's adorable. Someday I'll post a pic of her. Actually I think I'll do that right now on this post. She's hilarious.
lol that's a great picture.
Yeah. Good luck with all the classes selection. Went through that during my freshman, sophomore, and junior. It was pretty annoying and stressfull.
As I'm a senior this coming Spring, I have the privilages to register before the junior. It just took me about 10 minutes to do it.
Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving.
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