Monday, November 07, 2005


Yeah I know that word is used way too much here but I like it. Anyway thats not the point of this entry although I could possibly write and entire entry on words that are misused. I got my assignment turned in on time which was great and I got a 20/20 on it. That was great. I sorta fumbled my way through it so I was surprised that I got all 20 points. It might not seem like a lot but to me its keeping my average up. I'm well on my way to being back to full time. Yay! That'll be next summer when I can go back full time. But thats going to be hard considering I'll be working full time, hopefully. I need to make an appointment with my counselor to register for next semester. But I don't have to worry about that right now.

Ok this is why I titled this entry "Awesome!": I just read online about a church they unearthed in Israel. They think it might be one of the oldest churches found dating back to the 3rd century. Thats really old. How neat is that? I wish I could go over and see it. There are a lot of things in the world that I want to see but something like this is just wow to me.

Archaeology might seem boring to a lot of people and I've spent many a year trying to convince people otherwise but if they would just read about some of the things that have been found over the years, then I think they would change their tune. I think though Now I'm not advocating grave-robbing or anything like that. Thats wrong in my opinion and the dead should be left alone. But sometimes curiousity gets the better of people and they have to know who, what, when, where, why, and how whatever existed. No matter how cliche it may be, the past gives us a look at what our future can hold. We can learn from mistakes and sometimes discover new thinks because of something said, thought, or done in the past. Just look at the Rosetta Stone. If we didn't have that we wouldn't know how to read hieroglyphics. That was a huge discovery.

Anyway, I just thought it was a neat story.

My aunts from NJ came in for a surprise visit yesterday. They drove down for the day and spent a couple hours at the house. It was nice. I'm a sucker for family gatherings. I like seeing family together getting along. Aunt Sam, Heidi, the girls, Jason, Gage, and Barb all came by too to see Aunt Lyn and Aunt Dee. No one was ever a big fan of Aunt Lyn...she used to be a nun and was sort of unsympathetic to children. She can't stand whining and crying. Aunt Dee also used to be a nun but she's more laid back and she can deal with kids; she's a lot of fun. Aunt Lyn has had a lot of health issues over the past couple of years...She has use a walker and is partially blind. She suffered from mini-strokes and all that stuff. They didn't know what was causing it but they found out it was because of Paxil. Anyway back on point....They came down and we had a full house. It was a lot of fun though...Like I said I really enjoy having family around. They said they might come in for Christmas too. I hope they do. We don't get to see them as much as I would like to. Aunt Diane is also coming in from Hawaii around Christmas so it'll be the first time in many many years that nearly the whole family is together. Uncle Tommy isn't invited for many reasons I'll not get into. But all the sisters will be together. I think it'll be good for them. The holidays should be interesting this year.


Blogger Lance said...

That story is amazing - even if the dating doesn't hold up.

I agree about archaeology. It's a fascinating field.

I think a lot of people find it "boring" because of a lack of understanding historical importance.

It's hard to grasp the meaning of why the finding of a historical object is important when you have no concept of the historical person, place or event it's related to.

To be fair to those who find history boring, though: I realize it's is hard to make it interesting.

People seem to either just like it or not. There's not many inbetweeners.

10:20 AM  
Blogger Kyleen said...

Yeah you're right...people either like it or hate gray area unless its something they are really really interested in. Like some people like to learn about the Renaissance but could care less about the events that led up to or followed it.

10:45 AM  
Blogger Jeremiah said...

I'm a sucker for the History Channel. And the Science Channel. And the Discovery Channel...blast it!

What the heck!?!? I apparently now watch all the same channels as my father.

I'm getting old...

As for visiting family, I've got a few black sheep in my family, trust me. It's always a shotgun holiday when they're around...

"Quick, hide the china, so-and-so's coming over!"

1:38 AM  

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