Trick Or Treat!

Today as most people know is Halloween. This "holiday" is a lot of fun. But its also steeped in tradition. It goes back thousands of years and was originally a pagan celebration. It then evolved to what it is today. What I like about this time of year are the ghost stories and all that stuff. I love being scared like that; a fun scared.
Where I live, there are a lot of ghost stories that float around. The more famous one deals with Edgar Allan Poe and the man that puts a bottle of cognac on his grave every year. They still don't know who's behind it but they caught him on tape but couldn't quite make out who he was. There has been speculation that the person is a distant relative or just an admirer. I'd rather them not find out. Closer to where I live, there is a rock formation called the King and Queens seat. Supposedly, it was a throne for the cheif of a tribe that resided in the area. There is a legend that goes along with it dealing with love and death as all good ghost stories do.Of course like most states, there are tons of ghost stories that circulate throughout the years.
I like watching certain scary movies; some that are downright cheesy. There was this one horror movie by Peter Jackson called Bad Taste. It is probably one of the worst movies ever made but you can't deny that it was entertaining. It was so bad it was good; exploding sheep, aliens, and all. I won't say what they drank in the movie but let me say it was pretty gross. Of course I was exposed to this via Mark. He watched some of the weirdest movies I've ever heard of. He was fond of the B rated horror movie. I still haven't seen Microwave Massacre. (thats not by Peter Jackson; not to my knowledge anyway) I'm sure the next time I see him it is entirely possible that he'll own that...After all he has Bad Taste. I don't know how he found that movie but leave it to Mark to find something like that.
It's just a fun time of year. A time where everyone feels like a kid again. I can remember some of my favorite costumes when I was a kid. My mom was really good at making those for us. She made a lot of them herself. She made my sister Mickey Mouse one year and the next year used the leftover material to make my other sister a spider equipped with moving legs and all. I wish I was half as inventive as she was with our costumes. Maybe if and when I have kids, I'll be a little more creative when it comes to stuff like that. I love seeing the different costumes but I think it adds to it when the costume is made and not bought. Not that there is anything wrong with buying costumes....some people don't have the time or energy or whatever to do that. Its just a personal opinion not meant to offend anyone.
Since we don't get trick-or-treaters in my neighborhood because its too rural, I'm going to Maggie's dads house. Its become sort of tradition. The kids are just way too cute for their own good. Her dad used to go all out for Halloween but in recent years hasn't had the time, fund, etc to do so. When we lived in the city, we used to go all out too. It was like a neighborhood thing. The man across the street, Mr. Bill, had this dummy in a coffin that when you hit a button would pop up and scare the crap out of who ever was looking at it. They used to make "brains" and "intestines" which was all jello and stuff like that. He just had a great time scaring the kids and the kids, myself included, loved being scared. Even though we knew what was going to happen, we still got scared when he did it. You just never knew when he was going to flip the switch.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy Halloween. :)
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