Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Well it looks like I still have a job. There was a problem with the contract so everything is taken care of. That doesn't mean I'm going to stop looking for another job though. I mean since I am only temporary, then at any time they can tell me not to come in and I don't like having that hanging over my head. So I'm going to kep on putting applications out there and hopefully something will come of it. I need a permanent job until I finish school that offers benefits and all that stuff. I don't want a ridiculous amount of money but some would be good. Heck, I'll settle with what I'm being paid now but with benefits. There should be a law or something that would state that after you've been at a job for x amount of time, permanent or temporary, that benefits should be offered. But I guess thats why there are so many people that don't have them today. They can't afford it.

Today, I'm supposed to go out with Frankie and Jenn since it's Frankie's last day here until Christmas. I have no idea what we're going to do but I guess just getting together is enough. No matter how much I complain about him, I'll still miss him. I haven't seen him that much in the past couple of months because of work and other things but thats what happens unfortunately. The same thing with Jenn; I talk to her about every two weeks and we try to get together once a month. With Frankie though nothing could be worked out because he didn't have a set schedule and even if we made plans, most of the time he fell asleep and missed them.

I'm almost 100% sure that I bombed the quiz I took in math yesterday. I wasn't prepared for it at all. I think he said though that he would take the lowest quiz score and drop it at the end of the semester. I have a lot of school work to do this week and I can't seem to get it done. I have a paper due Friday, 2 sections and a review for math, a midterm for math, and a midterm for english. It's a lot to do and I have to find some time to do it. I don't know where I can get time cheap but if anyone has any ideas let me know. (Ok that was stupid but its what I was thinking at the time)

I'm supposed to go to a Halloween Party on Saturday but I don't know if I'm going to go. I might be too tired and besides I have a lot of stuff to catch up on at home too. I really really have to get some laundry done and the house needs to be dusted and vacuumed.

On a brighter note, the weather has been beautiful. The temperature has been fantastic. We needed it after the torrential downpours we had last week. I really really hope the Hurricane Wilma doesn't cause a fraction of the devastation that Katrina has. I can't believe how active this Hurricane season has been. Just goes to show you that global warming is real.

Thats all for now...I'm just happy I have a job for a while.


Blogger Kyleen said...

Yeah that happens sometimes. I try to leave comments or something and it just won't let me. Thanks though!

4:52 AM  

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