Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Global Warming

Global Warming has re-entered our lexicon. For so many years it seemed to be absent but now you hear it everywhere. This is becoming a real problem and people need to start paying attention. It is very real...our planet is suffering and so are we whether we know it or not.

We are now seeing first hand how damaging global warming can be. Look at the intensity of the hurricanes we've been experiencing. I know Lance touched on this subject before but it really needs to be discussed. Our sea levels are rising, the polar ice caps are melting, and the temperatures are going up. I was just reading that some places are heading toward a desert climate. We knew there was a problem years ago so why isn't anything being done? Yes, I know there are now restrictions on emissions and other laws put in place to reduce CFC's and all that but I don't think its enough.

I remember a couple years ago there was a debate about whether global warming was real. Now we know I suppose. Maybe more money should be going to preserving what we have left. Rainforests are still being depleted and companies are still dumping. Instead of funding a war, we should be directing that money elsewhere; like to schools and to the EPA and make sure that the officials working for the EPA are doing their jobs.

Something needs to be done and soon. We've been destroying the Earth since we've been here and its time we start taking responsibility for it.


Blogger Lance said...

Good post, Kyleen.

Hopefully if enough people keep talking about it, eventually something will start getting done about it.

7:59 PM  

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