Monday, October 03, 2005

Much Better

I'm feeling a lot better today. Actually I felt better over the weekend but in the evenings I was feeling pretty bad. I went to the Fells Point Festival on Saturday. It really wasn't that great. I saw my old neighbor though. He had no idea who I was which is why I didn't want to really say anything but Jason said he wanted to talk to him. He didn't remember Jason either. We both look a lot different and its been 13 years. I didn't even give him a second look until my cousin said something. After a couple of hours we came home and thats where I stayed. On Sunday, I stayed home as well. I couldn't afford to go so I thought it would be best to now spend the money and just hang out home. It was better that way I think.

I finally got around to watching "Crash". Really interesting movie. Very good movie. It was better than I thought it was going to be. I really like Ludacris in it. I was kind of leery of seeing a movie with him in it. I didn't know what kind of actor he would be but he was surprisingly good. All the actors were good and the story was fantastic. I love how storylines just come together.

Right now I'm trying to get some of my final paper done. Since it has to be on a current issue but she's banned certain topics, I decided to write about the benefits of fair trade. I didn't know much about the issue but I've read a couple things and its something extremely important to the world. It affects everyone whether they know it or not. If anyone is interested in learning more about it go to There is a lot of good info on the site.

Well, thats all for now....Nothing else is happening. Better start looking up some more stuff.


Blogger Lance said...

I'm glad you're feeling better.

There's something to be said for spending Sunday's at home just getting a lot of r & r.

Especially since there's so many good football games on that day =)

1:09 PM  

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