Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Quest has Ended! Hopefully

I think I have finally found a website to base my paper on. It has to do with censorship of reading material in schools. They are trying to ban so many books. Many of them I don't know why they're upset with them. I remember reading some of them in middle school and I didn't have a problem with the content. But I'm not everyone. Maybe if I was a parent I would change my opinion but I honestly don't think I would. I don't know. Some of these books are staples in English classes and I don't see why anyone would want to ban them. I am against censorship for the most part although I have to admit that there are things out there that I would want to protect my kids from. It's such a touchy subject.

Why would anyone want to ban "Of Mice and Men"? Thats a great book. So is "The Catcher in the Rye" and "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings". Yes, their content can be hard to stomach but its reality. Those books deal with real issues. It's upsetting. I hope that when I have kids, that they are readers. If these books are banned, I will go out and buy them myself for them to read or even consider home schooling. It just doesn't make any sense to me. It angered me to see some of the books on that list. I think thats what made me want to review this site.

Everything is going alright here for the most part. Algebra was even more of a disaster last night. People were actually openly laughing at this man. I'm thinking about calling the dean or visiting my counselor to see what can be done about this. Like I said, he's a nice man but all this is so basic for him that he doesn't know exactly how to explain it in terms people like me can understand. Oh well, we'll see what happens.

For some reason my history professor wants to meet with me next week. It's weird because this semester I chose not to take a history class. I wanted to but I needed to get the math out of the way. So I have to call him to figure out whats going on. I can't imagine why he would want to meet with me. I guess I'll find out.


Blogger amymck said...

As a parent I can somewhat understand why people would ban those books. I know as a teen I requested to not have to read some books that were assigned once I started them because of their content. I think some parents want to shelter their kids as much as possible, but in todays age kids are learning even more at younger ages than we did and it's from their peers not books or tv. it's sad!

dean said his reason for reading harry potter was to know for the future if we'd let our kids read it. I think that's a good plan, read it first and let your kid read it while making sure you discuss the areas you are concerned with them reading. Glad you found a website!

8:05 AM  

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