Thursday, September 29, 2005

Mr. Barak Obama

If anyone is not familiar with this man, they should start. Some people may know of him courtesy of his appearance at the Democratic National Convention last year. He stole the show, so to speak. He is a senator from Illinois and the only African American currently on the Senate. At the convention he gave on of the most inspiring speeches I've heard in some years. (I watch both conventions so see whats going on and hear what the candidates are saying although I vote democrat) Shortly after the convention, people were buzzing about this charismatic senator who spoke about his personal experiences and how fantastic his speech was. Soon, people were also pondering whether he would run for President himself one day. He became a celebrity of sorts following his appearance. He even went on Oprah to talk about his situation and such. Then he sort of disappeared. At least from the national spotlight.

Fast forward to September 2005 and he's back. In light of the crisis in the south, he has come back into the spotlight speaking about how the government botched efforts to help those affected by Hurricane Katrina. He took a tour of the region along with former presidents Clinton and Bush I. He has also made it known that he's against confirming Judge Roberts to the Supreme Court. I know there are many people that hold the same stance as he does but this man is different. I can't help but feel that this man is a man of the people. I think more than any other politician today, he is someone who genuinely cares about the people. I just get a sense that he is empathetic to the pain and suffering felt by so many and he's not afraid to talk about it.

I sincerely hope that his man does in fact run for president someday. As long as he keeps in touch with where he came from and with the people, I would hope that most Americans would vote for him. I think that if there were more people in the government like him, maybe this country wouldn't be suffering as much as it is.


Blogger Lance said...

Obama does seem to be a quality guy.

He's been called the only "superstar" the Democratic party has.

I agree, it would be interesting to see him run for the White House someday.

8:12 AM  
Blogger Kyleen said...

Politics can be super interesting. People tend to think they're boring but really they're a part of our everyday lives. I'm glad to hear that you're getting more interested in them.

Yeah the dems gotta get some good people in there. Not saying that there aren't but they need more people like him, you know?

I think its so funny he's being called a "superstar". I bet he laughs everytime he hears it.

8:46 AM  

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