R.I.P. Rosa Parks

I'm sure by now most people have heard that Rosa Parks passed away yesterday at age 92. She was a courageous lady and someone to look up to. By refusing to give up her seat, she brought the civil rights movement to the forefront of issues in America at that time. In the U.S., this all happened the year after a landmark decision Brown V. Board of Education, Topeka, Kansas 1954. I'm hoping that most people know what this meant but for those who don't, this decision declared segregation in public schools as unconstitutional. The attention that Rosa Parks got after being arrested and charged, started the Montgomery bus boycott in 1955. It was lead by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and eventually it went on to the Supreme Court where it was declared unconstitutional to segregate public services. Throughout her lifetime, Rosa Parks continued to fight for equality and justice, never giving up. She will be missed. I know she had a great impact on my life. The Civil Rights Movement continues today. It will continue until ALL people are equal as Dr. King stated. I can only hope that more people will follow her example and continue to fight the good fight, not letting hate get in their way. We've come a long way in the past 50 years but we still have quite a bit to go. We, as a people, need to work together to help realize the dreams of those who fought for all of us to be free and equal.
What a difference Rosa Parks made. She certainly was the start of something big.
She was part of Apple's "Think Different" campaign a few years ago and they honored her on the home page all last week - did you get to see it?
No I didn't get to see it. I didn't know that she was part of that campaign. She was a great lady. I wish I would have had the chance to meet her.
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