Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Captain Trips

Ok a lot of things have happened world-wide this past week. Bush's first appointee, Harriet Miers, withdrew her nomination to the Supreme Court. I couldn't have been happier but now considering who he wants to fill it with, I think I would have went with her.

The person he wants on there now is Samuel Alito, a conservative judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals. This man is known to be extremely conservative in the way he votes. His appointment to the Supreme Court would really upset the balance that is already leaning more to the right as it is. Judge O'Connor was more of a moderate but I think that with Alito in there, it could really go the other way. It's scary to think about at least for me. I remember when Bush was first running for president, a lot of us (liberals) were afraid something like this was going to happen. We knew that either someone was going to retire or someone would pass on due to age/disease, but our money was on retirement. So when it didn't happen his first term, we knew if he got elected again, it was definitely going to happen his second term. Not only did we lose one justice, but two. I can honestly say I didn't see that coming. So now we are faced with a big problem. The Supreme Court needs to be filled but who to fill in the missing places. Judge Roberts didn't get my vote but that was going to happen anway. I was hoping for someone a little more moderate considering the make-up of the Court but alas, it was not to be. So where to go from here? The Democrats are talking about a filibuster and the Republicans are trying to ban judicial filibusters. I really hope that doesn't happen. Can they do that? I didn't think they could but it seems the rules are changing.

In other Bush news, he just released his plan on what would happen if there was a world-wide super-flu outbreak. That terminology instantly takes me to Stephen King's "The Stand" . This is a really scary thought for me. I can just imagine what life would be like if something like this happened. It could have the potential to become a modern day Plague. What do we know about this though. I know that bird flu has been around for over a hundered years so why is it becoming a problem now? There are several strains of bird flu and as we found in the early part of the 20th century, the flu is known to mutate. Is bird flu mutating? What sorts of measures are being taken to prevent a world wide outbreak of this deadly flu? Bush's plan is this: Spot an outbreak before it hits here and contain it and manufacture a vaccine for the virus. More is to be released today. I know its early and I'm not trying to pick on Bush, thats been done and its old and its the last thing we need to do right now, but isn't there something more that we should be doing to fight this thing? I don't know what to suggest, if I did I would definitely say it. It's just really scary to me. All I'm saying is that if people start getting this thing, I'm heading to Nebraska or Colorado with Mother Abigail.

Halloween wasn't all that much fun. The costumes seemed to be thrown together this year although there were some pretty inventive ones on the little kids. The older kids just seemed to be wearing football jerseys or something wildly inappropriate. Maybe I'm being prudish but if my daughter went out of the house dressed in some of the outfits I saw, I'd be yanking her back in the house. I only stayed there a couple hours then headed home. I made an early night of it and got to work early this morning. I'm hoping I can get out of here early though so I can get some school stuff done. I shouldn't be procrastinating but I'm having a really hard time finding sources for my papers. I know the subject is old by now but it's stressing me out.

Well, thats all for now...we'll see how this day goes...so far so good. It's November!


Blogger Lance said...

First off, Happy November =)

Secondly, I figured as long as Bush is in office things are only going to go from bad to worse.

Since they pretty much already did that this summer then things can't get much worse, right?

It has to start getting better soon, right?


Okay so I tried...


I don't think you're being a prude but isn't the point of Halloween for girls to enjoy the opportunity to dress as trashy and revealing as possible because it's the one and only time of year it's socially acceptable? =)

10:26 AM  
Blogger amymck said...

wow! I didnt know it was ever socially acceptable for girls in elementary and middle school to dress trashy. I was amazed at how some of these girls looked, I'm sure it was against dress code let alone it just looks bad. I would agree my daughter would never go out like that until she could afford to buy her own trashy clothes.

10:56 AM  
Blogger Kyleen said...

I meant young girls wearing some of this stuff. They were no more than 13. I mean if an older girl wants to wear stuff like that, that her choice but I'm saying that if my pre-teen girl was wearing some of the outfits I saw, I would yank her right back in the house and make her change. I would hope that I brought my child up better than that but you never know. It's just my opinion.

4:50 AM  
Blogger Lance said...

I agree about younger kids - they do dress way too grown up.

But at least at the Halloween parties and stuff I've seen most of the girls seem to jump at the chance to dress so scandalously that 1 time of year.

Perhaps the younger kids are just imitating the older ones?

11:01 AM  

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