Friday, November 11, 2005

Sick on My Birthday

Today was my birthday and just like last year, I'm sick. I hope this isn't becoming a trend because no one likes to be sick especially on their birthday. I got a really cute message from my cousin and her 2 kids. They sang me happy birthday, Frankie called from AZ, Maggie called, and surprisingly my dad called. He didn't call to wish me a happy birthday though. He thought it was my sister's birthday....her b-day is next Thursday. But at least he was thinking about us. :) Not much else has been going on....just trying to get better. I didn't go to work or school yesterday and I didn't go today. I might feel up to doing something tomorrow but I don't know what thats going to be. I just turned in my assignment that was due this week and I need to start my stuff for next week. I'm really in the hole as far as my math goes. I feel like a slacker. I'll catch up though I always do. Well I think thats all I'm going to write right now. Probably the shortest post I've written and I'm sure people are glad for that. :)


Blogger J. said...

Happy Birthday and I hope you get better!

8:28 PM  
Blogger athen said...

Happy Birthday!

Yeah, thats kinda sux that you got sick in your birthday. Sorry to hear that.

Get well soon.

8:33 PM  
Blogger Lance said...

Happy Birthday, Kyleen.

I hope you're better soon, too.

9:49 AM  

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