What Was He Thinking?!
Pat Robertson, a Televangelist and host of the "700 Club" actually advocates assassination?! Apparently he does because while he was on the air, he began to talk about Venezuela and its president, Hugo Chavez. I thought one of the 10 Commandments was "Thall Shallt Not Kill". I'm right, it does say that. Why would a person who is committed to God say such a thing. He didn't say it like people say they are gonna kill people for example: "I could kill you for not taking out the trash". I don't know something stupid like that. But no he was talking about the government assassinating a foreign leader. I know that U.S. government has done that in the past although most of the citizens didn't know it was taking place, or whatever. This is the problem with fundamentalism. Christian fundamentalists are no different than Islamic fundamentalists when it comes to killing. Apparently its ok to kill as long as it's for God. I don't think God is ok with that. I can't speak for Him but I'm pretty sure he doesn't want that happening. Just think what kind of world it would be if people were going around killing others because they don't agree with certain things. I mean in some parts of the world that's going on and people are fleeing those countries. I don't know, it just upsets me that someone who is supposed to be preaching the word of God is advocating murder. He said it would be cheaper than waging a war. Idiot!
I don't know whats wrong with people, I mean come on. Its just like those who're criticizing Cindy Sheehan for wanting answers. When I look at the casualty list and see the ages of those who've died it makes me sick. I know that not only older people fight in war but I see more and more young people there than I do older. They barely had a chance to live their lives but they gave it up for their country. That is something special. Shouldn't people remember that sacrifice and ask themselves was it worth it? I think that in the future more and more people are going to feel like Cindy Sheehan. Why did their son/daughter have to die? It's ridiculous. I can only hope that one day people see how much this war was. Whether people like it or not it's starting to look more and more like Vietnam. I hope we realize this and do the right thing. So many have suffered because of this that more shouldn't have to.
I know this all sounds preachy but I can't help it. I've been against this war from the start and my mind hasn't been changed. More people need to get out there and demand answers and bring those fighting home. I don't want to see any more people suffering although it's inevitable that they will. War happens and its supposed to be a necessary part of life but you would think that by now we would've learned our lesson. War is never the answer.
I don't know whats wrong with people, I mean come on. Its just like those who're criticizing Cindy Sheehan for wanting answers. When I look at the casualty list and see the ages of those who've died it makes me sick. I know that not only older people fight in war but I see more and more young people there than I do older. They barely had a chance to live their lives but they gave it up for their country. That is something special. Shouldn't people remember that sacrifice and ask themselves was it worth it? I think that in the future more and more people are going to feel like Cindy Sheehan. Why did their son/daughter have to die? It's ridiculous. I can only hope that one day people see how much this war was. Whether people like it or not it's starting to look more and more like Vietnam. I hope we realize this and do the right thing. So many have suffered because of this that more shouldn't have to.
I know this all sounds preachy but I can't help it. I've been against this war from the start and my mind hasn't been changed. More people need to get out there and demand answers and bring those fighting home. I don't want to see any more people suffering although it's inevitable that they will. War happens and its supposed to be a necessary part of life but you would think that by now we would've learned our lesson. War is never the answer.
Outstanding post, Kyleen.
Too many people think War is a bad, yet necessary, part of life.
As you said, War is never the answer.
Great point about the Fundamentalists, too.
the problem is that people like him know how to manipulate the media (yes, I know this is my baliwick) to get their message out. and he is enough of a joke that people will mock him -- thus spreading his message even further. if war indeed is the answer, I'm not sure I want to hear the question.
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